Predilecto in english


pronunciation: feɪvɜrɪt part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

predilecto = much-loved ; best-loved ; Nombre + of choice ; fave ; favourite [favorite, -USA]. 

Example: The local church was packed to the rafters for the funeral of a much-loved parish priest who died last month aged 69.Example: Sleeping Beauty is one of the best-loved ballets in the world.Example: In the future this may become the method of choice.Example: If I were to guess, I'd say the giraffe and the zebra were her faves.Example: This text contains its share of irrelevant allusions included by authors 'to add artistic verisimilitude to a bald and otherwise unconvincing narrative', to quote another favourite source.

Predilecto synonyms

pet in spanish: mascota, pronunciation: pet part of speech: noun popular in spanish: popular, pronunciation: pɑpjəlɜr part of speech: adjective preferred in spanish: privilegiado, pronunciation: prəfɜrd part of speech: adjective favourite in spanish: favorito, pronunciation: feɪvɜrɪt part of speech: adjective, noun darling in spanish: querido, pronunciation: dɑrlɪŋ part of speech: noun dearie in spanish: cariño, pronunciation: dɪri part of speech: noun favored in spanish: favorecido, pronunciation: feɪvɜrd part of speech: adjective ducky in spanish: cariño, pronunciation: dʌki part of speech: noun deary in spanish: querido, pronunciation: dɪri part of speech: noun front-runner in spanish: favorito, pronunciation: frʌntrʌnɜr part of speech: noun
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