Predilección in english


pronunciation: predəlekʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

predilección = predilection ; inclination ; penchant. 

Example: Headings represent the predilection of the cataloger in regard to terminology.Example: These are less tangible, more dependent upon personal motivation and inclination, and not amenable to enforcement through institutional policies.Example: Our penchant to organize is perhaps as close to a biological imperative as any form of human behavior is likely to come.


» sentir predilección porbe partial tobe a (big) fan of .

Example: Certainly there are those who, because they themselves are not partial to change, will continue to seek out our present institutions and in their present form.

Example: I've always been a fan of putting jam on my grilled cheese on toast (I think it's best with a chunky homemade apricot or blackberry jam).

» sentir predilecció porhave + a penchant for .

Example: Talk show host Jimmy Kimmel has a well-established penchant for playing mean pranks on kids.

» tener predilección porlean to(wards)have + a penchant for .

Example: He feared that 'the people will think we are leaning too much towards Monarchy'.

Example: Talk show host Jimmy Kimmel has a well-established penchant for playing mean pranks on kids.

Predilección synonyms

penchant in spanish: inclinación, pronunciation: pentʃənt part of speech: noun taste in spanish: gusto, pronunciation: teɪst part of speech: noun preference in spanish: preferencia, pronunciation: prefɜrəns part of speech: noun
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