Predicción in english


pronunciation: pridɪkʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

predicción = predictability ; prediction ; guess. 

Example: Absence of human interpretation of content leads to perfect predictability and consistency in the generation of index entries.Example: Libraries, like the rest of the world have changed beyond all belief and prediction in the past 50 years.Example: Even more reprehensible than the unsupported recollection is the guess, however well informed.


» índice de predicciónpredictor .

Example: If I'm not mistaken the military decided some time ago that IQ tests were a poor predictor of leadership qualities.

» modelo de predicciónprediction model .

Example: A prediction model for bibliographic search for monographs using multiple regression technique was built.

» patrón de predicciónprediction pattern .

Example: Prediction patterns tell the system when the issues of a periodical are expected, how to handle them when they do arrive, and what to do if they do not appear within a reasonable time after they are expected.

» predicciones de expertospunditry .

Example: The article 'Campaign sites: a potpourri of political punditry' describes a number of Internet campaign sites for the USA presidential elections = El artículo "Sitios web sobre la campaña electoral: un popurrí de pronósticos de expertos" describe varios sitios web relacionadas con las elecciones presidenciales de los Estados Unidos.

» predicciones + pronosticarpredictions + forecast .

Example: Predictions forecast the emergence of the 'paperless society'.

» servir de factor de predicción debe predictive of .

Example: Variables such as age, gender, body mass and social status were not predictive of fatigue.

» valor de predicciónpredictive power .

Example: Bradfor's law, in its commonly-stated form, has very little predictive power.

Predicción synonyms

anticipation in spanish: anticipación, pronunciation: æntɪsəpeɪʃən part of speech: noun foresight in spanish: previsión, pronunciation: fɔrsaɪt part of speech: noun forecasting in spanish: previsión, pronunciation: fɔrkæstɪŋ part of speech: noun foretelling in spanish: predecir, pronunciation: fɔrtelɪŋ part of speech: noun
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