Predicador in english


pronunciation: pritʃɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

predicador = preacher. 

Example: The public library's sole reason for being is to help people get along in the world, to help school children get better grades, to help preachers write better sermons that will keep the congregation awake, to help newspapermen find facts.


» fanático predicador de la BibliaBible basherBible thumper .

Example: Bible bashers have always struck me as the hypocritical sort.

Example: What pisses me off about bible thumpers is that they belief the bible is the word of god.

» predicador evangelistarevivalist  .

Example: It is to be hoped that the successful meetings of the revivalists in this city will not pass away without some permanent benefit gained.

Predicador synonyms

sermonizer in spanish: sermoneador, pronunciation: sɜrmənaɪzɜr part of speech: noun preacher man in spanish: predicador, pronunciation: pritʃɜrmæn part of speech: noun
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