Prédica in english


pronunciation: pritʃɪŋ part of speech: noun
In gestures

predicar = preach. 

Example: A major failing of the information industry is that its members tend to preach to one another whereas what they should be doing is talking to everyone else outside the information industry.


» como predicar a los conversoslike preaching to the choir .

Example: Since many who read my articles are writers I'm sure what I am about to say will come across like preaching to the choir.

» predicar a los conversospreach to + the convertedspeak to + the converted .

Example: Whereas summer reading programmes tend to preach to the already converted, outreach programmes can be taken to housing projects for low-income families.

Example: Previous conferences have tended to speak to the converted, being events which were attended largely by those with an interest in these subjects.

» predicar con el ejemplopractise what + Pronombre + preachwalk + the talkput + Posesivo + money where + Posesivo + mouth islead from + the fronttalk the talk walk the walkdo what + Posesivo + preach .

Example: The article is entitled 'Innovation in IT education - practising what we preach'.

Example: This way we are hoping to internalise our values, constantly demonstrating that we consider these are important, and to reward staff who 'walk the talk'.

Example: The article 'Relationship management: putting our money where our mouth is' discusses the relationship between the Special Libraries Association (SLA) in the USA and its members.

Example: You have to make sure you lead from the front and put a brave face on it during the tough times to bring people with you and get out of it.

Example: Don't just talk the talk, walk the walk -- if you believe that women can change the world, donate to a charity that will help them to do so.

Example: Because he neither believes nor does what he preaches, others find him repugnant, one of the reasons for their heavy-handed jokes at his expense.

» predicar el evangelioevangelise [evangelize, -USA] .

Example: Through the three centuries of colonial domination printing and the book were used as much for evangelizing the natives as for supporting the administration.

» predicar vehementementetub-thump .

Example: A topic I like to tub thump about is what to do with low IQ workers in a modern, technological society.

» ser como predicar en el desiertofall (up)on + deaf earsmeet + deaf ears .

Example: I realize that our pleas are no doubt continuing to fall on deaf ears at Thomson.

Example: The same argument on the part of librarians met deaf ears.

Prédica synonyms

discourse in spanish: discurso, pronunciation: dɪskɔrs part of speech: noun sermon in spanish: sermón, pronunciation: sɜrmən part of speech: noun
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