Predecible in english


pronunciation: prɪdɪktəbəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

predecible = mechanical ; predictable ; predictive ; forecastable. 

Example: With a fully faceted classification scheme (see 13.2.4) chain indexing is purely mechanical, and straightforward.Example: This pricing strategy maybe attractive to both users and database producers, both of whom have the security of a predictable and once-only financial transaction.Example: Note the practical, but predictive nature of these rules: 'when generally referred to', 'when there are frequent changes' and 'when familiarly known'.Example: One unusual feature characterizes demographic changes -- they are forecastable years in advance.


» predecible en cuanto a lo que diceplatitudinous .

Example: She wanted to say: 'You are a conceited, obstinate, inflexible, manipulative, pompous, close-minded, insensitive, abrasive, opinionated, platitudinous oaf!'.

Predecible synonyms

inevitable in spanish: inevitable, pronunciation: ɪnevətəbəl part of speech: adjective foreseeable in spanish: previsible, pronunciation: fɔrsiəbəl part of speech: adjective
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