Predador in english


pronunciation: predətɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

predador = predator. 

Example: From being a predator, England was becoming a major commercial power on whose ships others preyed.


» predador marinosea predator .

Example: This giant prehistoric sea predator packed the most powerful bite of any fish, living or extinct -- strong enough to shear a shark clean in half.

» predador sexualsexual predator .

Example: Like other technologies, the Internet is vulnerable to misuse by hostile individuals (flamers), sexual predators, and pornographers.

Predador synonyms

vulture in spanish: buitre, pronunciation: vʌltʃɜr part of speech: noun marauder in spanish: merodeador, pronunciation: mɜrɔdɜr part of speech: noun predatory animal in spanish: animal depredador, pronunciation: predətɔriænəməl part of speech: noun
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