Precisión in english


pronunciation: prisɪʒən part of speech: noun
In gestures

precisión = accuracy ; exactness ; precision ; precision ; fineness ; unambiguity ; preciseness. 

Example: This information should be double-checked for accuracy before being confirmed by entry of a 'y'.Example: Research into controlled and free language is essential for achiever greater exactness in on-line searching.Example: Whether such precision will result in a catalogue more satisfactory to readers than that produced by the reasonable application of the vaguer AA is a moot point.Example: As discussed above, precision, or the proportion of relevant documents retrieved, is related to recall, the extent of retrieval of relevant documents.Example: To gain an idea of the fineness of detail necessary to produce the circuit elements on the chip, imagine a map of the British Isles showing sufficient detail to identify even the narrowest side-street in London.Example: The unambiguity of the description of individual documents should become the main aim of all efforts to standardise bibliographic description.Example: Although the movie has a well-defined sense of character and dramatic incident, a handsome and clear visual presentation, and an interesting feel for inflated men locking horns, it lacks thematic preciseness.


» amante de la precisiónprecisionist  .

Example: He is also a creature of habit, a rationalist and a precisionist, a self-disciplinarian who attempts to regulate every aspect of waking life in accordance with the strictest reason and propriety.

» andarse con precisionesbe precise .

Example: There's no sense in being precise when you don't even know what you're talking about = No tiene sentido andarse con precisiones cuando no se tiene ni idea de lo que se está hablando.

» coeficiente de precisióncoefficient of precision .

Example: This article presents a method which makes it possible to calculate the fuzzy coefficient of precision and fuzzy coefficient of recall.

» con precisiónprecisely .

Example: Obviously with the definition of what constitutes an entire work still pending it is not easy to define analytical cataloguing precisely.

» definido con precisiónclosely defined .

Example: Some forms split each of these major categories of information into a closely defined series of sub-categories.

» falta de precisiónfuzziness  ; looseness  ; looseness of fit .

Example: This is a rather fuzzy basis for establishing subject headings, but fuzziness is not the guidelines only fault.

Example: Good information storage and retrieval systems should not only meet the looseness of human memory but also the looseness of natural language = Los buenos sistemas de almacenamiento y recuperación d ela información deberían hacer frente no sólo a la falta de precisión de la memoria humana sino también a la falta de precisión del lenguaje natural.

Example: Provided that key people are not being circumvented by the informal structure a certain looseness of fit is quite acceptable.

» grado de precisióndegree of detail .

Example: However, UDC is by no means always applied to this degree of detail in libraries.

» índice de precisiónprecision figure .

Example: The ranked output also allowed Salton to develop the normalized recall measure used in a modified form by Cleverdon in Cranfield II, and a corresponding normalized precision figure.

» instrumento de precisiónprecision device [En indización, instrumento o modo de indizar que persigue una descripción lo más específica posible del contenido del documento de modo que aumente la precisión de la recuperación] .

Example: On the other hand precision devices are intended to ensure that non-relevant documents are not retrieved, and examples of such precision devices are co-ordination, links and roles.

» mejorar la precisiónimprove + precision .

Example: To help eliminate false drops, and thereby improve precision, certain devices can be employed at the indexing stage.

» precisión milimétricapinpoint accuracy .

Example: The missiles launched from surface and air units successfully engaged their intended targets with pinpoint accuracy.

Precisión synonyms

preciseness in spanish: precisión, pronunciation: presɪsnəs part of speech: noun
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