Precisa in english


pronunciation: ækjɜrət part of speech: adjective
In gestures

precisar1 = pin down ; point out ; qualify ; fine tune [fine-tune] ; set + the record straight ; set + straight ; put + the record straight ; put + a finger on. 

Example: I think Ms Marshall has pinned it down.Example: By means of the arrangement of document substitutes in library catalogues, and also by the arrangement of documents themselves, it is possible to point out, or indicate, classes of documents.Example: Common facets may be listed anywhere in the schedule order, because they are facets that, although only listed once can be applied anywhere in the citation order, as required to qualify the concept to which they apply.Example: These statistics have been used to fine tune the system and improve response time = These statistics have been used to fine tune the system and improve response time.Example: This article is a response to 'Preservation of slide libraries' by Ann Cinlar in which an attempt is made to set the record straight.Example: The following are some myths your employees may hold about electricity that you should set them straight on.Example: When your backs are against the wall and everyone's raising questions, a performance like that puts the record straight.Example: It's hard to put a finger on the exact formula that adds up to someone becoming successful.


» precisar una búsquedafocus + Posesivo + search .

Example: By following the path of related records from level to level, you can expand or focus your search almost indefinitely.

precisar2 = need. 

Example: Equally, various trade directories and other lists need to list and organise names in a form that will enable a searcher to find information about an organisation or person.

preciso = accurate ; precise ; sharp ; strict ; undeviating ; coextensive [co-extensive]. 

Example: An abstract is a concise and accurate representation of the contents of a document, in a style similar to that of the original document.Example: This planning phase involves moving from a vague impression that a thesaurus might be useful to a fairly precise profile for the thesaurus.Example: 'I'll give it more thought,' she said with a sharp frown, resuming her former posture.Example: This may lead to deviations from the strict and most obvious alphabetical sequence.Example: Happily the rules of quasi-facsimile are easily mastered; what is difficult is to observe them with scrupulous, undeviating accuracy.Example: Bibliographies in general are also retrieval devices; the difference here is that the bibliography is not coextensive with the stock of the library it may omit items in stock and include others not in stock.


» ataque precisosurgical strike .

Example: Airports in five states have been put on high alert after intelligence agencies warned of a possible attack following the surgical strikes carried out by the Army.

» de forma precisaprecisely .

Example: Obviously with the definition of what constitutes an entire work still pending it is not easy to define analytical cataloguing precisely.

» de manera precisaprecisely .

Example: Obviously with the definition of what constitutes an entire work still pending it is not easy to define analytical cataloguing precisely.

» demasiado precisoover-precise  .

Example: No one likes that artificial, over-precise articulation acquired by meticulously elocuted people who hang words on the air like so many ice cubes.

» el momento precisothe point in time at which .

Example: Even when drastic revision is seen to be necessary and accepted, the point in time at which to conduct this extensive review can be difficult to select.

» encabezamiento precisocoextensive heading [Encabezamiento que representa exactamente el contenido del documento, sin ser más general o más específico] .

Example: It would appear to be more efficient to use coextensive headings in the first place, and avoid that particular problem altogether.

» hacer más precisotightening up .

Example: This appears to be a tightening up of the definition rather than a new approach.

» muy precisomuch-needed .

Example: To many, therefore, this emphasis on information can provide a much-needed opportunity to gain the public library new influence and respect.

» preciso como un rayo láserlaser-sharp .

Example: Researchers have wondered if the brains of the elderly with still laser-sharp memory are somehow different than everyone else's.

» regla muy precisafinely graduated scale .

Example: The apparent size of the face is measured directly with a finely graduated scale and a magnifying glass.

» ser demasiado precisoput + too fine a point onsplit + hairs .

Example: Not to put too fine a point on this, and slap me down if I am being rude, but from the questions you are asking I do not think you are ready for a project of this scope.

Example: This volume is too long, contains too many lengthy theoretical arguments that often split hairs, and is written in a tedious prose style.

» ser precisobe precise .

Example: There's no sense in being precise when you don't even know what you're talking about = No tiene sentido andarse con precisiones cuando no se tiene ni idea de lo que se está hablando.

Precisa synonyms

right in spanish: Correcto, pronunciation: raɪt part of speech: adjective, noun, adverb close in spanish: cerrar, pronunciation: kloʊs part of speech: adverb, adjective true in spanish: cierto, pronunciation: tru part of speech: adjective straight in spanish: Derecho, pronunciation: streɪt part of speech: adverb, adjective precise in spanish: preciso, pronunciation: prɪsaɪs part of speech: adjective correct in spanish: correcto, pronunciation: kɜrekt part of speech: adjective, verb exact in spanish: exacto, pronunciation: ɪgzækt part of speech: adjective faithful in spanish: fiel, pronunciation: feɪθfəl part of speech: adjective veracious in spanish: veraz, pronunciation: vɜreɪʃəs part of speech: adjective hi-fi in spanish: de alta fidelidad, pronunciation: haɪfaɪ part of speech: noun, adjective high-fidelity in spanish: alta fidelidad, pronunciation: haɪfədeləti part of speech: adjective dead on target in spanish: muerto en el blanco, pronunciation: dedɑntɑrgət part of speech: adjective
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