Precipitar in english


pronunciation: prɪsɪpɪteɪt part of speech: noun, verb, adjective
In gestures

precipitar = precipitate. 

Example: What precipitated that furor was that Panizzi's volume represented a uncompromising rejection of the comfortable ideology of the finding catalog.

precipitarse = plunge into ; rush ahead ; plunge into ; gallop ; rush ; fall off ; career ; jump + the gun ; careen ; stampede ; surge ; dart ; zap through ; rush forward ; rush along. 

Example: Preliminary decisions must be taken before plunging into the accumulation of index terms, and analysis of relationships.Example: Rather readers grow by fits and starts now rushing ahead, now lying fallow, and now moving steadily on.Example: For the beginner, the intention has been to offer an immediate plunge into the world of reference work, though necessarily at one remove from the actual user with his real problems.Example: We must ensure that IFLA is positioned to represent the world wide library and information profession as we gallop towards the information society = We must ensure that IFLA is positioned to represent the world wide library and information profession as we gallop towards the information society.Example: The computer can be a great boon to cataloging, but I don't think that we should rush at it in an overly simplistic way.Example: The article has the title 'Bringing the mountain to Mohammed without falling off the cliff of unmanageable technology'.Example: Juxtaposing harrowing scenes of a family in grief with high comedy, this film does not so much tread a delicate line between these two modes as career wildly between them like a drunken mourner.Example: Because of EU tardiness, some countries, namely France, Holland and the UK, have jumped the gun in introducing aid for the pig sector in contravention of EU regulations.Example: The jet ultimately shot up fully vertically -- at which point the wings snapped off and the whole works careened down into the ocean.Example: The noise spooked the animals, and many stampeded over a cliff to their deaths.Example: It was not clear how he died, but several people were earlier injured when protesters held in a police cordon surged against the barriers.Example: 'That wouldn't be my problem,' Stanton said darting a sardonic glance at her antagonist.Example: I stumbled across it while zapping through the channels and it seemed like a 'real' documentary.Example: Merick quickly sprang to his feet and rushed forward to strike a killer blow, but the troll was already dead.Example: The slogan 'Easy Does It' is one way we remind each other that many of us have tendencies at times to overdo things, to rush heedlessly along, impatient with anything that slows us down.


» fallecer tras precipitarse al vacíoplunge to + Posesivo + death .

Example: A young woman plunged to her death in a horror quad biking accident while on her dream holiday in Turkey.

» no precipitarsekeep + a cool headplay it + coolpump + the brakes .

Example: To be a successful crane driver, you must have self-control and be able to keep a cool head in critical situations.

Example: Meeting someone for the first time can be nerve-wracking, but so can trying to balance your eagerness with your need to play it cool when you're in a dating relationship.

Example: The couple had plans to get married this summer, but now, they've decided to pump the brakes on their wedding!.

» precipitarse athrow + Reflexivo + into .

Example: Freshers' week is a festival to launch you into university life and as your first week at University, you should throw yourself into it and give everything a go!.

» precipitarse al abismoleap into + the voidleap into + space .

Example: From there, without knowing it, he leapt into the void of dissatisfaction and fell into the dark abyss of demotivation.

Example: Klein made the photograph to show us how free we might be if we could leap into space.

» precipitarse a la muerteplunge to + Posesivo + death .

Example: A young woman plunged to her death in a horror quad biking accident while on her dream holiday in Turkey.

» precipitarse al/en hacer las cosasrush into + things .

Example: I am not a big fan of rushing into things -- as they say easy come, easy go or the best things come to those who wait or if it's not worth waiting for its not worth having.

» precipitarse al sueloplummet to + the ground .

Example: Police said a paraglider pilot died Sunday evening after his paraglider suddenly plummeted to the ground.

» precipitarse al vacíofall into + the voidfall into + (empty) spaceleap into + the voidleap into + space .

Example: In the commotion, Jehan Baig lost his footing and fell into the void.

Example: People thought that the world was flat and one would fall into space if you sailed over the horizon.

Example: From there, without knowing it, he leapt into the void of dissatisfaction and fell into the dark abyss of demotivation.

Example: Klein made the photograph to show us how free we might be if we could leap into space.

» precipitarse (al vacío) de/desdethrow + Reflexivo + off/fromfling + Reflexivo + off/from .

Example: A 13-year-old girl threw herself off an overpass just days after a shaming video was posted online by her father.

Example: The Chassidic woman who hung herself four months after her sister flung herself off a building had been forced to marry a first cousiin.

» precipitarse en masa aswarm (into/in) .

Example: News of boundless timber reserves spread, and before long lumberjacks from the thinning hardwood forests of New England swarmed into the uncharted area with no other possessions than their axes and brawn and the clothing they wore.

» precipitarse en sacar conclusionesrush (in)to + conclusionsjump to + conclusions .

Example: Don't rush to conclusions -- things may not always be as they seem.

Example: Although the job market could be better, as could salaries, jumping to wild conclusions by misrepresenting data contributes little progress towards the necessary goals.

» precipitarse porcrash throughdrive off [En coche] .

Example: Deep in the rugged coal fields of West Virginia, the rumble of a steam locomotive mingles with the sound of the New River crashing through its steep rocky gorge.

Example: To dream that you drive off a mountain road suggests that the higher you climb in life, the harder it is to stay at the top.

Precipitar synonyms

fall in spanish: otoño, pronunciation: fɔl part of speech: verb, noun hasty in spanish: apresurado, pronunciation: heɪsti part of speech: adjective hurried in spanish: apresurado, pronunciation: hɜrid part of speech: adjective precipitant in spanish: precipitante, pronunciation: prɪsɪpətənt part of speech: noun come down in spanish: baja, pronunciation: kʌmdaʊn part of speech: verb overhasty in spanish: sobrecargado, pronunciation: oʊvɜrheɪsti part of speech: adjective separate from solution in spanish: separado de la solución, pronunciation: sepɜreɪtfrʌmsəluʃən
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