Precipitado in english


pronunciation: prɪsɪpɪteɪt part of speech: noun, verb, adjective
In gestures

precipitado = abrupt ; hurried ; rushed ; rash ; hasty ; untethered ; precipitous ; precipitate ; precipitate ; rushing ; breakneck. 

Example: There were abrupt fluctuations in his output from one week to the next.Example: Capital funding usually took the form of end-of-year 'windfalls' needing to be spent in hectic haste necessitating hurried decision making.Example: Leforte could usually identify those footsteps easily; but today they sounded more rushed that what could normally be expected from the cataloging head.Example: And some way down the list of benefits was a rash promise to 'slash the red tape that hinders our trade with Europe -- and thereby safeguard the 2 1/2 million jobs involved'.Example: It seems to me that the deletion of that was maybe a little bit too hasty.Example: 'Out of the secretarial world it comes, the prime example of the untethered query, bobbing uselessly about till one can tell what caused it to be launched'.Example: Yet it is argued that these fluctuations do not justify either precipitous journal cancellations or freewheeling additions to the collection.Example: In chemistry, increasing the gravitational force on a test tube will cause the precipitate to gather on the bottom.Example: This was all compounded by the fact that the wedding itself was somewhat precipitate, done when it was for practical reasons.Example: Suddenly they heard a scurry of rushing feet and turned just in time to see her bounding up to greet them.Example: Certainly, as we know from our previous discussion, no institution of its own accord would change at the breakneck pace at which our own field appears to be moving.


» actuación precipitadarash act .

Example: She should have but I sweet-talked her out of such a rash act = Ella lo debería haber hecho pero yo la persuadí con labia y zalamerías para que desistiera de llevar a cabo una actuación tan precipitada.

» decisión precipitadarash decision .

Example: Odysseus tends to make rash decisions and often finds it impossible to control his impulses.

» decisión precipitada ante un problemacrisis decision .

Example: The librarian should avoid crisis decisions by planning well ahead.

» demasiado precipitadotoo hurriedtoo rush .

Example: But compared to his trilogy, this book looks too hurried and thrown together.

Example: It seems too rush, too unpolished to be a final product.

» sacar conclusiones precipitadasjump to + conclusionsrush (in)to + conclusions .

Example: Although the job market could be better, as could salaries, jumping to wild conclusions by misrepresenting data contributes little progress towards the necessary goals.

Example: Don't rush to conclusions -- things may not always be as they seem.

» ser demasiado precipitadobe (too) short notice .

Example: I was going to suggest this Sunday but that may be too short notice for most.

» ser muy precipitadobe (too) short notice .

Example: I was going to suggest this Sunday but that may be too short notice for most.

precipitar = precipitate. 

Example: What precipitated that furor was that Panizzi's volume represented a uncompromising rejection of the comfortable ideology of the finding catalog.

Precipitado synonyms

fall in spanish: otoño, pronunciation: fɔl part of speech: verb, noun hasty in spanish: apresurado, pronunciation: heɪsti part of speech: adjective hurried in spanish: apresurado, pronunciation: hɜrid part of speech: adjective precipitant in spanish: precipitante, pronunciation: prɪsɪpətənt part of speech: noun come down in spanish: baja, pronunciation: kʌmdaʊn part of speech: verb overhasty in spanish: sobrecargado, pronunciation: oʊvɜrheɪsti part of speech: adjective separate from solution in spanish: separado de la solución, pronunciation: sepɜreɪtfrʌmsəluʃən
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