Precipitación in english


pronunciation: prɪsɪpɪteɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

precipitación1 = abruptness ; haste ; rush ; prematurity ; precipitation ; rushing. 

Example: Then, with a kind of energetic abruptness, Bough said that they could try to build a case for keeping the budget intact = Then, with a kind of energetic abruptness, Bough said that they could try to build a case for keeping the budget intact.Example: Capital funding usually took the form of end-of-year 'windfalls' needing to be spent in hectic haste necessitating hurried decision making.Example: It is also a good time to stand back and take a look at 'what technology hath wrought' and some of the issues involved in our rush towards standardization on the national and international levels.Example: The most likely causes of brain damage among low birthweight infants are prematurity and infections, not oxygen starvation.Example: At that moment, seeing what he had done due to his precipitation, the father is overwhelmed with despair.Example: But what we often aren't told is that rushing can result in accidents, errors, and more time spent in the long run.


» con precipitaciónrashlyhastily .

Example: Act rashly, and our children will suffer in years to come = Actúa precipitadamente y nuestros hijos sufrirán en los proximos años.

Example: The cost implications of ill-advised or hastily prepared rules for American libraries catalogs would grossly transcend any short expenditures.

» precipitación de última horalast-minute rush .

Example: There was a frenzied last-minute rush by Indians to do their bit to see the Taj Mahal through to the elite list of the new Seven Wonders of the World.

precipitación2 = precipitation. 

Example: Find information on acid rain or precipitation and its effects on national parks.


» índice de precipitaciónrainfall figure .

Example: The lower monthly rainfall figures for July are made much worse by the incidence of strong westerly winds causing high evaporation rates.

» precipitacionesrainfall .

Example: This will help scientists expand their understanding of erosion, deforestation and desertification, and whether there have been any shifts in rainfall levels and shoreline changes.

» vaso de precipitacionesbeaker  .

Example: Beakers are naturally one of the most essential tools in an average lab.

Precipitación synonyms

downfall in spanish: caída, pronunciation: daʊnfɔl part of speech: noun
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