Preciosidad in english


pronunciation: priʃəsnəs part of speech: noun
In gestures

preciosidad = beauty. 

Example: The phenomena studied by disciplines may be either concrete entities, such as adolescent, motor car, dog or diamond or abstract ideas such as love, beauty or hate.


» ser una preciosidadbe gorgeous to look atlook + gorgeous .

Example: This filly is gorgeous to look at and is as sweet as they come.

Example: I've never seen her out of a uniform and by gosh she does look gorgeous.

Preciosidad synonyms

invaluableness in spanish: invalidez, pronunciation: ɪnvæljublɪnɪs part of speech: noun valuableness in spanish: valor, pronunciation: vælublnəs part of speech: noun pricelessness in spanish: invalidez, pronunciation: praɪsləsnəs part of speech: noun
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