Preciar in english


pronunciation: prəʃiɜr part of speech: none
In gestures



» preciarse depride + Reflexivo + on .

Example: For he prided himself on being the leader of Boston's brahmin class, and his hallmark was a conservative and aristocratic style of life = Porque él se enorgullecía de ser el líder de la clase superior de Boston y su sello personal era un estilo de vida aristocrático y conservador.

» que se precie (como tal)worth + Posesivo + mettleself-respectingworth + Posesivo + salt .

Example: Of course, any composer who's worth his mettle will be able to work with just his trusted piano and his ears.

Example: Why any self-respecting female would wear this t-shirt is completely beyond me.

Example: Any supervisor worth his salt would rather deal with people who attempt too much than with those who try too little.
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