Preciado in english


pronunciation: væljud part of speech: adjective
In gestures

preciado = cherished ; precious ; prized ; valued ; dear ; treasured ; hugged. 

Example: Some of their most cherished photographs were of sleeping users.Example: Here came every sort of human ingredient -- sturdy homesteaders, skilled craftsmen, precious scoundrels.Example: Small luxury editions, much prized but little used, may have survived almost complete.Example: One very elementary kind of invitation might be the introduction of lavatories in public libraries: a facility to be found in department stores, which are interested in service to valued customers.Example: Heaney noted that 'in the first place and in the last resort, libraries are for dear life also'.Example: The increasing deterioration of treasured books makes conservation/preservation a national and international obligation.Example: Death becomes the character's hugged secret in what is a movie infused with silence and poignancy.


» joya preciadaprize(d) jewel .

Example: When they decided they would get married, Richard raised money for the wedding by selling one of his prized jewels.

» muy preciadomuch prizedhighly prized .

Example: Small luxury editions, much prized but little used, may have survived almost complete.

Example: Spiny lobsters are among the world's most valuable and highly prized seafoods.

Preciado synonyms

valuable in spanish: valioso, pronunciation: væljəbəl part of speech: adjective quantitative in spanish: cuantitativo, pronunciation: kwɑntɪteɪtɪv part of speech: adjective
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