Precepto in english


pronunciation: prisept part of speech: noun
In gestures

precepto = dictate ; precept ; prescript. 

Example: In practice, once the barriers are broken down in children antagonistic to reading, everything blends into the flux of a whole experience split into bits only by the dictates of a school timetable.Example: This classification scheme follows Cutter's precepts in most important respects, has headings and references similar to Sears (which is based on it) and also has similar limitations.Example: It is for the pastor of a church to take care that these prescripts are observed conscientiously.


» fiesta de preceptoholiday of obligation [En la religión católica, día en el que es obligado ir a misa] .

Example: Through the years we made sure we attended Mass as a family every Sunday and on all holidays of obligation.

» precepto moralmoral dictate .

Example: Should society's moral dictates be enforced with criminal sanctions?.

Precepto synonyms

principle in spanish: principio, pronunciation: prɪnsəpəl part of speech: noun teaching in spanish: enseñando, pronunciation: titʃɪŋ part of speech: noun
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