Preceder in english


pronunciation: prɪsid part of speech: verb
In gestures

preceder = go before ; precede ; preface ; come before ; antedate ; forego [forgo] ; trump. 

Example: Acknowledgements: the author wishes to acknowledge her debt to the authors of the literature that has gone before, and also to the various persons and organisations that have kindly permitted the reproduction of their work.Example: For instance 'Sculpture-Technique' precedes 'Sculpture in motion'.Example: The last of the primary operators, 6, prefaces terms which describe either the form (e.g. that it is a dictionary or bibliography) or the target audience (e.g. that it is intended for nurses or midwives) of the document.Example: That planning comes before organizing cannot be emphasized too much.Example: The human interface antedates the computer interface by millenia.Example: I will tell you the adventure which befell me in my fifth voyage, which was yet rarer and more marvelous than those which forewent it.Example: If prejudice is allowed to trump the rights that all citizens should enjoy, then everyone's freedoms are ultimately endangered.


» fama + precederPosesivo + fame + precede + Nombre .

Example: His fame preceded him to Europe, and he moved there semipermanently during the American Civil War.

» la calma que precede a la tormentathe lull before the storm .

Example: The article 'University libraries -- the lull before the storm?' predicts steep rises in periodical subscription prices and increased student numbers.

Preceder synonyms

lead in spanish: dirigir, pronunciation: led part of speech: verb, noun forego in spanish: adelantar, pronunciation: fɔrgoʊ part of speech: verb predate in spanish: preceder, pronunciation: prideɪt part of speech: verb antedate in spanish: antedatar, pronunciation: æntədeɪt part of speech: verb antecede in spanish: antecede, pronunciation: æntəsid part of speech: verb come before in spanish: venir antes, pronunciation: kʌmbɪfɔr part of speech: verb
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