Precedente in english


pronunciation: prisidɪŋ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

precedente = precedent ; preceding ; beginning ; foregoing. 

Example: During the earlier part of the nineteenth century, American printers largely followed English precedents, as they had done throughout the eighteenth.Example: Because the assumption in this method is that none of the preceding years' operations are worth continuing unless they can be shown to be necessary, zero-based budgeting (ZZB) can be useful for paring out the deadwood of obsolete or uselessly extravagant programs.Example: In addition, synthesis often requires the use of a facet indicator, which marks the beginning of a new facet for example.Example: The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes.


» a un ritmo sin precedentesat an unprecedented pace .

Example: So, innovation is really happening on all fronts and happening at an unprecedented pace.

» contra todo precedenteagainst all precedent .

Example: Against all precedent, Hoshikata had spent most of the trip silent and in thought.

» contra todos los precedentesagainst all precedent .

Example: Against all precedent, Hoshikata had spent most of the trip silent and in thought.

» en contra de todo precedenteagainst all precedent .

Example: Against all precedent, Hoshikata had spent most of the trip silent and in thought.

» en contra de todos los precedentesagainst all precedent .

Example: Against all precedent, Hoshikata had spent most of the trip silent and in thought.

» ir en contra de todo precedentego against + all precedent .

Example: There have been other instances over the past couple of years with similar decisions by the referee that go against all precedent.

» no tener precedentebe without precedent .

Example: But this is a political phenomenon without precedent in the annals of democratic politics.

» precedente legallegal precedent .

Example: Most troublingly, the Court has run roughshod over important legal precedents, not just in its ruling in January but in many other decisions.

» que sienta precedentelandmark .

Example: This landmark legal settlement comes at a time when there is already an intense shortage of bedside nurses throughout the country.

» relativo a un precedenteprecedential .

Example: An online search of the WESTLAW and LEXIS databases, and examination of numerous cases with potential precedential value found the many dicta in judicial opinions to differ among jurisdictions, and found no ratio decidendi at all.

» sentar (un) buen precedenteset + a good precedent .

Example: I've come to realize that a large part of my purpose here is to set a good precedent for people with disabilities who will follow me.

» sentar (un) mal precedenteset + a bad precedent .

Example: It sets a bad precedent because in all likelihood other areas of private industry would, in the long run, seek to be treated in the same way.

» sentar (un) precedenteprovide + a precedent forset + a precedentmake + a statement .

Example: The documents cited may support and provide precedent for, illustrate or elaborate on what the author has to say.

Example: The Arthur Lakes Library was asked to follow the precedent set by the other department.

Example: This unique style will appeal to the individual who wants to stand out, make a statement and swim against the stream.

» sin precedenteunparalleledunexampled .

Example: But these designers did more than copy the Aldine original: they developed it in a whole range of new sizes, and produced a series of romans hitherto unparalleled for elegance and utility.

Example: Hitherto her behavior had been unexampled.

» sin precedentesunprecedentedrecord breakingrecord-highall-timewithout precedent(s) .

Example: We might next note the unprecedented success of the Library of Congress' MARC Distribution Service, which provides authoritative, quality cataloging data in machine-readable, and hence, machine-manipulatable, form.

Example: The company has managed to survive for 75 years, with an unbroken string of more than 40 years of profitability (the last 2 record breaking) when so many others have fallen by the wayside.

Example: Record-high bank fees are making it harder for consumers to stay financially afloat.

Example: Nevada's all-time leading scorer is leaving school to get a head start on the NBA's 2007 draft.

Example: They have looted and sold its natural resources on a scale without precedent.

Precedente synonyms

past in spanish: pasado, pronunciation: pæst part of speech: noun, adjective ante in spanish: apuesta inicial, pronunciation: ænti part of speech: noun antecedent in spanish: antecedente, pronunciation: æntesədənt part of speech: noun, adjective anterior in spanish: anterior, pronunciation: æntɪriɜr part of speech: adjective retiring in spanish: saliente, pronunciation: rɪtaɪrɪŋ part of speech: adjective prevenient in spanish: preventivo, pronunciation: privinjənt part of speech: adjective anticipatory in spanish: anticipado, pronunciation: æntɪsəpətɔri part of speech: adjective preexistent in spanish: preexistente, pronunciation: prieksəstənt part of speech: adjective
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