Precavido in english


pronunciation: kɔʃəs part of speech: adjective
In gestures

precaver = forestall ; foresee. 

Example: Attempting to forestall problems before they were created was essential to the planning.Example: Developments in this area are proceeding at such a pace it is impossible to foresee total needs for next year let alone for the life of the building.


» precaversebe on guard (against)be on + Posesivo + guardplay it + safe .

Example: Searchers need to be aware of the characteristics of the services and be on guard against bias, incompleteness, and lack of relevancy.

Example: There is a need for successful companies to be on their guard in the face of new competition.

Example: Barack Obama is playing it safe in the final week of the election, but his Achilles' heel might be taxes.

» precaverse debe shy of + Gerundio .

Example: Printers or publishers were sometimes shy of giving their real names -- usually because a book was treasonable, or libellous, or a piracy -- and for similar reasons they might give a false place of publication and a false date.

precavido = wary. 

Example: The girls were wary, nervously self-conscious, quite unable to behave in a natural and relaxed way.


» estar precavidobe on + Posesivo + guardbe on guard (against) .

Example: There is a need for successful companies to be on their guard in the face of new competition.

Example: Searchers need to be aware of the characteristics of the services and be on guard against bias, incompleteness, and lack of relevancy.

» hacer a Alguien precavidoput + Nombre + on + Posesivo + guard .

Example: That experience was instructive, and it puts us on our guard.

» ser demasiado precavidoerr + on the side of caution .

Example: This default is to err on the side of caution.

Precavido synonyms

conservative in spanish: conservador, pronunciation: kənsɜrvətɪv part of speech: adjective moderate in spanish: moderar, pronunciation: mɑdɜrət part of speech: adjective timid in spanish: tímido, pronunciation: tɪmɪd part of speech: adjective careful in spanish: cuidadoso, pronunciation: kerfəl part of speech: adjective dilatory in spanish: dilatorio, pronunciation: dɪlətɔri part of speech: adjective cagey in spanish: cauteloso, pronunciation: keɪdʒi part of speech: adjective chary in spanish: cauteloso, pronunciation: tʃɑri part of speech: adjective gingerly in spanish: cautelosamente, pronunciation: dʒɪndʒɜrli part of speech: adverb restrained in spanish: refrenado, pronunciation: ristreɪnd part of speech: adjective fabian in spanish: fabianista, pronunciation: feɪbiən part of speech: noun guarded in spanish: guardado, pronunciation: gɑrdəd part of speech: adjective cagy in spanish: cauteloso, pronunciation: keɪdʒi part of speech: adjective unadventurous in spanish: poco aventurero, pronunciation: ənədventʃɜrəs part of speech: adjective overcautious in spanish: cauteloso, pronunciation: oʊvɜrkɔʃəs part of speech: adjective
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