Precaución in english


pronunciation: kɑʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

precaución = caution ; precaution. 

Example: The project is being undertaken with caution.Example: Just as in the establishment of headings for use in catalogues and indexes a code was deemed useful so a code is a wise precaution in any search for standard filing orders.


» extrema precauciónextreme caution .

Example: The National Weather Service is advising drivers to use 'extreme caution' and to beware of black ice as temperatures drop below freezing .

» medida de precauciónsecurity precautionprecautionary measure .

Example: In addition to these security precautions, we use encryption technology for the secure transfer of information.

Example: This article outlines a range of precautionary measures that can be taken to prevent damage to archival and rare book collections from water and fire.

» pecar de precauciónerr + on the side of caution .

Example: This default is to err on the side of caution.

» precaución contra el fuegofire precaution .

Example: As both a fire and safety precaution flammable liquids must be kept in a cabinet which can contain fire.

» tener precaución debe chary of .

Example: Other librarians at the session were chary of committing themselves to doing a certain amount of business with a vendor.

» tomar precaucióntake + precautiontake + caution .

Example: For other frequency types, no special precautions need to be taken = Para otros tipos de frecuencia, no se necesita tomar precauciones especiales.

Example: Caution should be taken if subjects are clothed in tight-fitting swimsuit.

» tratar con precauciónapproach + with caution .

Example: They must all be approached with caution for they are not always as accurate as might be hoped.

» usar con precauciónuse + with caution .

Example: It also notifies the user when a drug is to be used with caution.

Precaución synonyms

care in spanish: cuidado, pronunciation: ker part of speech: noun, verb caveat in spanish: advertencia, pronunciation: keɪviæt part of speech: noun admonish in spanish: amonestar, pronunciation: ædmɑnɪʃ part of speech: verb precaution in spanish: precaución, pronunciation: prikɔʃən part of speech: noun forethought in spanish: previsión, pronunciation: fɔrθɔt part of speech: noun circumspection in spanish: circunspección, pronunciation: sɜrkəmspekʃən part of speech: noun carefulness in spanish: cuidado, pronunciation: kerfəlnəs part of speech: noun cautiousness in spanish: cautela, pronunciation: kɔʃəsnəs part of speech: noun
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