Precario in english


pronunciation: prikeriəs part of speech: adjective
In gestures

precario = shaky ; precarious ; parlous. 

Example: The subdivision 'Discovery and Exploration' under geographic names reinforces the popularly held notion that the world outside Western Europe had no history -- and only a shaky hold on existence -- before it was 'discovered' by Western Europeans.Example: Public libraries everywhere find themselves in a precarious financial situation.Example: Book provision to many schools is in a parlous state and the school book market also has its problems.


» empleo precarioprecarious employment .

Example: There is also good evidence that precarious employment is expanding in the developing world.

» existencia precariaprecarious existence .

Example: He contends that the black protagonist's precarious existence after his accident recalls the death of Robert Lewis who was lynched in the summer of 1892.

» presupuesto precarioshoestring budget .

Example: Here are three travel sites for shoestring budgets.

» situación precariaprecarious situation .

Example: During his watch, the US economy as well as the global monetary situation have been thrown into a precarious situation.

Precario synonyms

perilous in spanish: peligroso, pronunciation: perələs part of speech: adjective dangerous in spanish: peligroso, pronunciation: deɪndʒɜrəs part of speech: adjective insecure in spanish: inseguro, pronunciation: ɪnsəkjɜr part of speech: adjective parlous in spanish: alarmante, pronunciation: pɑrləs part of speech: adjective shaky in spanish: tembloroso, pronunciation: ʃeɪki part of speech: adjective uneasy in spanish: difícil, pronunciation: ənizi part of speech: adjective unstable in spanish: inestable, pronunciation: ənsteɪbəl part of speech: adjective unsafe in spanish: inseguro, pronunciation: ənseɪf part of speech: adjective touch-and-go in spanish: toca y vete, pronunciation: tʌtʃɑndgoʊ part of speech: adjective
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