Precariedad in english


pronunciation: prikeriəs part of speech: noun
In gestures

precariedad = instability ; instability ; insecurity ; precariousness. 

Example: This article suggests the steps that libraries might take during periods of instability to reduce their chances of being injured by a vendor that fails.Example: This article suggests the steps that libraries might take during periods of instability to reduce their chances of being injured by a vendor that fails.Example: Both staff and users may suffer from fear, insecurity and general apprehension of new technology.Example: In the 1980s, both groups became subject to greater instability, an increasing precariousness of contracts and decreases in real wages.


» precariedad laboraljob insecurityjob instability .

Example: Although they enjoy better salaries, benefits, and dynamic work responsibilities, they feel enormous job insecurity.

Example: Job instability has increased for young workers during the 1980s and early 1990s.
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