Prebenda in english


pronunciation: pribend part of speech: noun
In gestures

prebenda = sinecure ; prebend. 

Example: Some of his most important writings were produced during this period but it should not be thought that the post was a sinecure held to enable him to write.Example: He is hereby dispensed to receive the archdeaconry, and to retain it for life with the canonry, prebend and annexed vicarage, and to exchange them and hold instead any two other incompatible benefices.


» prebendasspoils .

Example: As more colleges and university libraries pursue outside funding, the spoils increasingly will go to those institutions which are best prepared for the rigours of fundraising.

» prebendas del cargo, lasspoils of office, the .

Example: The sharing of spoils of office has become one of the mainstays of coalition politics.

» prebendas del vencedor, lasvictor's spoils, the .

Example: The city should be defended street by street and house by house, until, if taken, the victor's spoils should be alone a heap of ashes.
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