Pozo in english

Water well

pronunciation: wɔtɜrwel part of speech: none
In gestures

pozo1 = well ; water well. 

Example: The novel has many trappings that will ensnare the average reader but skulking at the bottom of its well of intrigue is a timeless terror more attuned to the mature sensibilities of an adult audience.Example: Water wells should also be inspected annually for obvious signs of damage or contamination.


» ¡Posesivo + gozo en un pozo!what a letdown!that's + Posesivo + luck!what a bummer! .

Example: If we'd lost this service, what a letdown it would have been to the generation of women before ours.

Example: I'm sure this place would look much more beautiful when it's not raining but what can I do -- that's my luck!.

Example: So what a bummer! -- This Wi-Fi problem is an unending nightmare.

» perforar un pozodrill + a well .

Example: Historical time series of wells drilled in a given country or region onshore and offshore within 10 depth categories will be invaluable.

» pozo acuíferowater well .

Example: Water wells should also be inspected annually for obvious signs of damage or contamination.

» pozo ciegoseptic tankcesspoolcesspitdry wellsump pitsump wellsump .

Example: Technical and legal information is provided on various issues related to water quality such as waste disposal, mining activities, septic tanks, and agricultural activities.

Example: Waste water in these towns is poured into cesspools and ravines near the houses.

Example: Fertilizers, wastewater and cesspits represent the major sources of nitrate pollution.

Example: Sump pumps send water away from a house to any place where it is no longer problematic, such as a municipal storm drain or a dry well.

Example: Sump pits can become nasty and gooey -- if you have never cleaned a sump pit, you do not know what you have been missing.

Example: Whether or not the sump well should be sealed to block out radon gas depends on whether or not you have a radon problem.

Example: Drain as much water as you can from the sump and inspect it to make sure nothing organic is on the bottom.

» pozo de extracciónmine shaft .

Example: There is also a museum of mining which is partly housed in a disused mine shaft.

» pozo de los deseoswishing well .

Example: The author describes a wishing well in which $1,500 in coins were collected in the lobby of Champaign public library in Illinois.

» pozo de minamine shaft .

Example: There is also a museum of mining which is partly housed in a disused mine shaft.

» pozo de petróleooil well .

Example: The cause of the oil well blowout remains unclear.

» pozo de registromanhole .

Example: It was found that someone had dumped a load of builders' rubble down a manhole blocking the sewer and causing havoc.

» pozo de sondeoborehole .

Example: This main borehole would then continue through the cavity and down to the lake while the first borehole would be used to recirculate water back to the surface using a submersible pump.

» pozo gravitatoriogravity well .

Example: Not only does the marble go around in a smaller circle as it drops down into the gravity well, it travels around at a higher velocity.

» pozo negrodry wellseptic tankcesspitcesspoolsump pitsump wellsump .

Example: Sump pumps send water away from a house to any place where it is no longer problematic, such as a municipal storm drain or a dry well.

Example: Technical and legal information is provided on various issues related to water quality such as waste disposal, mining activities, septic tanks, and agricultural activities.

Example: Fertilizers, wastewater and cesspits represent the major sources of nitrate pollution.

Example: Waste water in these towns is poured into cesspools and ravines near the houses.

Example: Sump pits can become nasty and gooey -- if you have never cleaned a sump pit, you do not know what you have been missing.

Example: Whether or not the sump well should be sealed to block out radon gas depends on whether or not you have a radon problem.

Example: Drain as much water as you can from the sump and inspect it to make sure nothing organic is on the bottom.

» pozo + secarsewell + dry up .

Example: Wells are drying up and underwater tables falling so fast that food supplies are seriously threatened.

» pozo sépticoseptic tankcesspoolcesspit .

Example: Technical and legal information is provided on various issues related to water quality such as waste disposal, mining activities, septic tanks, and agricultural activities.

Example: Waste water in these towns is poured into cesspools and ravines near the houses.

Example: Fertilizers, wastewater and cesspits represent the major sources of nitrate pollution.

» pozo sin fondobottomless pit .

Example: Some view the library as a bottomless pit; all recognise that the library is unlikely to generate much political pressure for its own aggrandisement.

pozo2 = pool. 

Example: Forming a pool, the participants share the cataloguing work and receive the contributions from all the others = Forming a pool, the participants share the cataloguing work and receive the contributions from all the others.
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