Potra in english


pronunciation: fɪli part of speech: noun
In gestures

potra1 = filly. 

Example: She hates being described as a war-horse next to Kelly the filly, but she has had 20 more years of political experience.

potra2 = fluke ; luck. 

Example: This correlation between Blacks and low socio-economic status Whites is neither an artifact of methodology nor a sampling fluke.Example: In such conditions it is a matter of pure luck if the reader hits the bull's eye at the first shot.


» de potraby chanceby luckby a stroke of (good) luckjammyfluk(e)y [flukier -comp., flukiest -sup.]  .

Example: If, by chance, the newly entered item is identical to one already in the file, DOBIS/LIBIS ignores the new entry.

Example: Machiavelli insisted that the Prince be aware that he was Prince mostly by luck and his job was to never admit it.

Example: The stream suddenly swept him away, and it was only by a stroke of luck that they found him.

Example: The Brazilians scored three jammy goals to take an early lead which never looked secure until they grabbed number 4 10 minutes from time.

Example: Look we can say that they were flukey things but I'm not buying it's all coincidence.

» ¡qué potra!jammy bastard!jammy bugger!jammy devil!jammy git!jammy sod!jammy dodger!jammy so-and-so!lucky sod!lucky stiff!lucky bastard!lucky bugger!lucky beggar! .

Example: I bet you're saying to yourself right now -- you jammy bastards!.

Example: He's a jammy bugger and somehow got what must be one of the best jobs in the world.

Example: Alex, you are a jammy devil, getting Jazz to make that for you.

Example: You might even say I was a total jammy git.

Example: He's been a really jammy sod with decisions.

Example: You jammy dodger! -- Mine cost me a lot more than that.

Example: So, you're on holiday now, you jammy so-and-so!.

Example: Then on the screen came a story that moved me and set me thinking about what a lucky sod I am.

Example: You had a tough struggle, but you made it, you lucky stiff!.

Example: To all of you lucky bastards that live in Chicago, do you know how good you have it?.

Example: I'm very very envious of you visiting Petra, one of the new seven wonders of the world -- you lucky buggers!.

Example: I'm just one of the lucky beggars who survived -- partially deaf and almost blind.

potro = foal ; yearling ; colt. 

Example: The book contains the following chapters: practical horse nutrition; equine genetics; stallions; mares; parturition; care of mare and foal; and identification, selection, and marketing horses.Example: Basically I was wondering what are the purpose of blinkers when it comes to getting a yearling used to be ridden.Example: Ann's well-bred black colt is now two years old, and in her eyes, has all the makings of a champion.


» potro de tormentorack .

Example: There are many tortures that were popular in the Middle Ages, but none so feared as being stretched on a rack.

» potro de torturarack .

Example: There are many tortures that were popular in the Middle Ages, but none so feared as being stretched on a rack.
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