Potencial in english


pronunciation: pətenʃəl part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

potencial = capability ; potential ; potential power ; affordance. 

Example: DOBIS/LIBIS may replace the typewriter and the catalog card but it cannot replace the decision-making capabilities of the library staff.Example: However, its potential in this direction became evident, and in 1966 a catalogue card service was started.Example: This article examines the potential power of hypertext technology for the domains of journal and book publishing, insurance policy management, and software engineering.Example: In design terms, the degree to which an object is appropriate for its environment and thus likely to be employed by a user is termed an affordance.


» aprovechar + Posesivo + potencialreach + Posesivo + potential .

Example: Today the emphasis is more on the problems to be encountered and conquered if these technologies are to reach their real potential.

» desarrollar el potencialdevelop + a potential .

Example: A first step for developing this potential could be regular meetings organised by the library for professionals working with the aged.

» desarrollar el potencial de Algo/Alguiendevelop + Posesivo + (full) potential .

Example: This view intensifies the problems which technical staff experience when attempting to develop their potential.

» desarrollar el potencial de Algoachieve + Posesivo + potentialachieve + Posesivo + full potential .

Example: A new year is coming, students who fail to plan will lengthen the odds of achieving their potential.

Example: Until this preference is shifted to on-line full text retrieval, the data base industry will achieve only a fraction of its full potential.

» desarrollar + Posesivo + potencialshape + Posesivo + potentialfulfil + Posesivo + potential .

Example: Warren and his mother credit Lane teachers for providing opportunities for him to shape his potential.

Example: To fulfil their potential, librarians must articulate and act upon a vision that involves them more fully in the work of faculty, researchers, and medical practitioners.

» desarrollo del potencialcapacity building .

Example: Federal assistance programmes should follow the successes of the 1930s programmes, supporting infrastructure development through the encouragement of local capacity building.

» lograr desarrollar el potencial de Algoachieve + Posesivo + full potential .

Example: Until this preference is shifted to on-line full text retrieval, the data base industry will achieve only a fraction of its full potential.

» no aprovechar el potencialfall (far) short of + the potential .

Example: This article discusses recent progress in the design and development of operational on-line catalogues and why the current generation of on-line catalogues falls far short of that potential.

» no aprovechar + Posesivo + potencialfall (far) behind + Posesivo + potential .

Example: The article 'A few cautionary words about electronic publishing' argues that advances in microform technology have obviously fallen far behind their potential.

» potencial de cargaloadability .

Example: Its effect on improving voltage stability, loadability limit and reducing power losses have been studied under normal as well as contingency conditions.

» potencial nuclearnuclear capability .

Example: Meanwhile, the growing nuclear capability of Communist China has led a number of non-nuclear countries to reassess their strategic security positions.

» tener potencialhave + potential .

Example: The somewhat late arrival of the ROOT thesaurus in the indexing world means that its penetration will be slow, although it has great potential as a tool for standardizing indexing languages.

Potencial synonyms

prospective in spanish: futuro, pronunciation: prəspektɪv part of speech: adjective latent in spanish: latente, pronunciation: leɪtənt part of speech: adjective likely in spanish: probable, pronunciation: laɪkli part of speech: adjective possible in spanish: posible, pronunciation: pɑsəbəl part of speech: adjective expected in spanish: esperado, pronunciation: ɪkspektəd part of speech: adjective potency in spanish: potencia, pronunciation: poʊtənsi part of speech: noun potentiality in spanish: potencialidad, pronunciation: pətenʃəlɪti part of speech: noun
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