Potencia in english


pronunciation: paʊɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

potencia1 = horsepower ; potential ; torque. 

Example: Failure, for example, to observe the distinction between HORSE and HORSES creates the possibility of having to consider CHESTNUT; HORSESHOE; and HORSEPOWER (MECHANICS) while attempting to connect the two sequences.Example: As the pointer moves, its potential is varied in accordance with a varying electrical current received over wires from a distant station.Example: This is highly unlikely as the engine would have to develop 160 ft/lbs of torque to achieve this figure.


» de alta potenciahigh power .

Example: Canada has led the world in the development of high power satellites for communications.

» de gran potenciahigh-powered .

Example: This is a useful collection of essays, particularly for graduate students and high-powered undergraduates cutting their teeth on Aristotle.

» enchufe de potenciapower socket .

Example: Each module in an issue desk or each library staff workstation should be provided with, at least, 3 power sockets.

» en potenciaanticipatedintendingpotentially .

Example: The order of subjects must be systematic and generally acceptable to the anticipated users of the index or collection.

Example: The intending borrower merely specifies a search key for the item he wishes to borrow, and the system provides a bibliographic description.

Example: Thus, potentially the scope of a catalogue code is wide, but in practice most codes are restricted to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 above.

» explosivo de alta potenciahigh explosive .

Example: Either armor piercing or high explosive ammunition may be selected with the flick of a switch.

» potencia de la señalsignal strength .

Example: This calculator converts between standard units of power measurement and signal strength.

» potencia eléctricapowerelectric potential .

Example: This article covers requirements of space, power, environment, security and alarm systems, and data and telecommunications.

Example: If an electric potential is applied to a colloid, the charged colloidal particles move toward the oppositely charged electrode; this migration is called electrophoresis.

» ser un desastre en potenciabe a disaster in the making .

Example: What you are witnessing is a disaster in the making -- not only for Lebanon but for the United States, which stands exposed once again as a prejudiced hypocrite.

» trabajar por debajo de su potencia idealunderload .

Example: If power units are underloaded, they will operate inefficiently, wasting fuel or electric power.

» unidad de potenciaunit of power .

Example: This calculator converts between standard units of power measurement and signal strength.

potencia2 = power. 

Example: Conversion of binary to decimal is easy when it is remembered that each binary digit represents a power of 2.


» Número + elevado a la potencia de + NúmeroNúmero + to the power of + Número .

Example: 10 to the power of 3 is 10 times 10 times 10, which is 1000.

potencia3 = powerhouse ; power engine. 

Example: From a position of relative strength in the 1950s, when Central Europe was the hotbed of European sport, the region has suffered a relative decline compared to the powerhouses of Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK.Example: Knowledge management is also being recognized as a power engine through which educational institutions can address their need for innovation and creativity.


» gran potenciagreat power .

Example: The book 'Gibraltar: Apple of Discord' discusses the degree to which the status of Gibraltar has been determined by rivalries between the great powers.

» potencia colonialcolonial power .

Example: And the government is struggling to muster the cash, even with contributions from China and technical assistance from former colonial power France.

» potencia comercialcommercial power .

Example: From being a predator, England was becoming a major commercial power on whose ships others preyed.

» potencia económicaeconomic power .

Example: Britain is on a roll -- the world's second military power and, by some recent estimates, the world's fourth economic power.

» potencia extranjeraforeign power .

Example: Machiavelli advised rulers facing unpopularity at home to consider picking a fight with some other nation, noting that a threat from some foreign power tends to unite people and help them to forget their differences.

» potencia industrialindustrial power .

Example: The widespread use of the metric system by most of the major industrial powers of the world has prompted the Canadian government to consider its adoption.

» potencia militarmilitary power .

Example: Britain is on a roll -- the world's second military power and, by some recent estimates, the world's fourth economic power.

» potencia mundialworld powerglobal power .

Example: He intends to annihilate all the major world powers, until Islamic nations dominate the planet.

Example: Canada is well-positioned to reassert its place on the world stage as an interlocutor between the existing and emerging global powers.

» potencia nuclearnuclear power .

Example: If Iran, which is moving ahead with its nuclear program, is allowed to become a nuclear power then a regional nuclear race will be unavoidable.

potenciar = encourage ; foster ; pander to ; boost ; strengthen ; improve ; empower ; drive ; bring out. 

Example: A common catalogue encourages users to regard the different information carrying media as part of range of media.Example: Among Mr. Welsh's professional activities and accomplishments are his successful efforts to foster an increased two-way communication between LC's Processing Department and his professional colleagues in the field.Example: Recently, however, libraries have deserted the individual and have pandered too much to the needs of the general public.Example: If the title is selected by a book club this helps boost the print-run and overall sales.Example: He proposes a research agenda that could strengthen archival appraisal and the profession's ability to document society.Example: Notice that it would be possible to improve recall indefinitely by scanning the entire document collection.Example: Literacy empowers people and can be a force for peace.Example: The notation 796.33 is used for sporst involving an inflated ball propelled (driven) by foot.Example: These should be used to speed up our processing, but the important thing is that we bring out the essential parts of a work and give all the possible entries to identify the work.


» potenciar el saborenhance + the flavour(s)enhance + the flavour(s)bring out + the flavour(s) .

Example: Think of all your favorite foods and imagine them either smoked or grilled; either method generally enhances flavor.

Example: Think of all your favorite foods and imagine them either smoked or grilled; either method generally enhances flavor.

Example: Flavored with paprika, chili pepper, and thyme, these fish loins brings out the bright, well-spiced flavors Mexico is known for.

» potenciar las mejores cualidades debring out + the best in .

Example: All students are talented, so teachers must find ways to bring out the best in each child.

Potencia synonyms

force in spanish: fuerza, pronunciation: fɔrs part of speech: noun index in spanish: índice, pronunciation: ɪndeks part of speech: noun office in spanish: oficina, pronunciation: ɔfəs part of speech: noun king in spanish: Rey, pronunciation: kɪŋ part of speech: noun ability in spanish: capacidad, pronunciation: əbɪləti part of speech: noun might in spanish: podría, pronunciation: maɪt part of speech: noun mogul in spanish: magnate, pronunciation: moʊgəl part of speech: noun baron in spanish: barón, pronunciation: bærən part of speech: noun exponent in spanish: exponente, pronunciation: ekspoʊnənt part of speech: noun tycoon in spanish: magnate, pronunciation: taɪkun part of speech: noun magnate in spanish: magnate, pronunciation: mægnət part of speech: noun potency in spanish: potencia, pronunciation: poʊtənsi part of speech: noun superpower in spanish: superpotencia, pronunciation: supɜrpaʊɜr part of speech: noun mightiness in spanish: poder, pronunciation: maɪtinəs part of speech: noun powerfulness in spanish: poder, pronunciation: paʊɜrfəlnəs part of speech: noun world power in spanish: poder mundial, pronunciation: wɜrldpaʊɜr part of speech: noun business leader in spanish: líder de negocios, pronunciation: bɪznəslidɜr part of speech: noun great power in spanish: gran poder, pronunciation: greɪtpaʊɜr part of speech: noun major power in spanish: potencia mayor, pronunciation: meɪdʒɜrpaʊɜr part of speech: noun big businessman in spanish: gran hombre de negocios, pronunciation: bɪgbɪznəsmæn part of speech: noun top executive in spanish: alto ejecutivo, pronunciation: tɑpɪgzekjətɪv part of speech: noun power-assisted in spanish: asistido por potencia, pronunciation: paʊɜrəsɪstɪd part of speech: adjective
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