Potasio in english


pronunciation: pətæsiəm part of speech: noun
In gestures

potasio = potassium. 

Example: High doses of potassium in irrigation water are fatal for weeping willows.


» bicarbonato de potasiopotassium bicarbonate .

Example: Spore germination of these pathogens was significantly suppressed by all three bicarbonates, especially potassium bicarbonate.

» bitartrato de potasiopotassium bitartrate [Conocido también como cremor de tártaro ] .

Example: Potassium bitartrate is actually a byproduct of the winemaking process, produced during fermentation.

» nitrato de potasiopotassium nitrate .

Example: Saltpeter is potassium nitrate, which was indeed used for curing meat.

» oxalato de potasiopotassium oxalate .

Example: Although both sodium and potassium oxalate salts are water soluble, calcium oxalate is practically insoluble and has the propensity to solidify in the kidneys.

» yoduro de potasiopotassium iodide .

Example: Test for starch in the size with a spot of iodine solution (2-5 gm. potassium iodide, 0-5 gm. iodine, in 500 ml. distilled water).

Potasio synonyms

k in spanish: k, pronunciation: keɪ part of speech: noun atomic number 19 in spanish: número atómico 19, pronunciation: ətɑmɪknəmbɜr part of speech: noun
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