Postura in english


pronunciation: pəzɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

postura1 = posture ; pose. 

Example: 'I'll give it more thought,' she said with a sharp frown, resuming her former posture.Example: Male readers are often attracted to this sub-genre because of the books' pin-up art, depicting beautiful young women in revealing costumes and provocative poses.


» de posturapostural .

Example: If there is a postural problem such as a fallen arch it is often possible to put something underneath it to correct the abnormality and to prove that posture can be corrected.

» postura del loto, lalotus position, thepadmasana .

Example: Evan took a seat on the stone bench, eagerly folding his legs into the lotus position.

Example: Padmasana, lotus position, the position in which the Buddha is normally shown sitting, is the iconic yoga position.

» postura de yogaasana .

Example: Awareness about yoga has increased considerably due to its being convenient to practice asanas at home.

» postura exigida por el trabajowork posture .

Example: Principal ergonomic issues identified were screen glare, furniture promoting muscle-straining work postures, and insufficient work surfaces.

» postura físicaphysical posture .

Example: It has been discovered that head-nods, gaze-shifts, physical posture, and most of all facial expression, do make up in fact a patterned body-language.

» volver a adoptar + Posesivo + posturaresume + Posesivo + posture .

Example: 'I'll give it more thought,' she said with a sharp frown, resuming her former posture.

postura2 = stance ; position ; stand ; posturing ; viewpoint ; standpoint ; view ; opinion (on). 

Example: It is precisely such programme arrangements which seemed, upon examination, to produce an equivocal stance on the question of applying the technology in a user-orientated way.Example: In 1971 John Pemberton was engaged by the Government `to carry out a broad review of the present position regarding the provision of printed ephemera in libraries in Great Britain'.Example: The Midwinter Meeting of the American Library Association included various items of business such as: the ALA stand on UNESCO; a new dues schedule; grants; role of school librarians in ALA; new cataloguing tools; and standards.Example: The lavishness of the presentation imbues the show with conviction and almost distracts from the ridiculousness of its apocalyptic posturing.Example: Whatever viewpoint is taken, it is difficult to dispute the significance of AACR1.Example: So it seems to me you should try to resolve this point of approach, whether you're going to approach it from the standpoint of the user or from the standpoint of the group being listed.Example: There is an alternative method for the design of subject retrieval devices, and that is to build languages or schemes which depend upon some theoretical views about the nature and structure of knowledge.Example: A reputable supplier will readily provide names of former customers who may be contacted for their opinions on service, support and maintenance.


» adoptar la postura moral correctatake + the high groundtake + the high road .

Example: We have something to gain by taking the high ground but you have to be conscious that appearing respectable and proper can come across as elitist.

Example: Of course her initial reaction was to blow her lid, but she didn't -- instead she took the high road and simply just left.

» adoptar una posturaadopt + a postureadopt + a behaviouradopt + a stancetake + positiontake + a stance .

Example: The library must adopt the posture of being primarily a communications agency, not primarily a storehouse or reading room.

Example: This behaviour is deliberately adopted by the librarian to keep the client at a distance, to hide one's real self, and often to protect one's own personality from too much bruising = El bibliotecario adopta deliberadamente esta postura para mantenerse alejado del usuario, para ocultar su verdadero yo y a menudo para proteger su personalidad de muchas magulladuras.

Example: While librarians must not be overly censorious in their classification, they should not adopt a completely relativist stance that would absolve the profession of all responsibility.

Example: They took the position that it is not important to bring together the editions of a map.

Example: Consortia are essential to take a joint stance in negotiations with publishers.

» adoptar una postura crítica sobretake + a critical view of .

Example: A critical view taken of library consultants in general leads on to the identification of factors that will assist libraries in selecting consultants.

» adoptar una postura duratake + a tough stance .

Example: He has signalled he will take a tough stance on prickly issues such as outsourcing, and limits on exports of sensitive technology.

» adoptar una postura firmetake + a stand (against) .

Example: When the profession once more brought censorship under the spotlight in the 70s, it was less critical and more loath to take a stand.

» adoptar una postura firme ante una cuestióntake + position on + an issue .

Example: There are many sincere librarians who are alert to the dangers inherent when libraries take positions on issues.

» adoptar una postura firme contratake + a firm stand against .

Example: Oboler took a firm stand against censorship.

» adoptar una postura intransigentetake + a hard stand .

Example: In order to reverse the proliferation of high-priced journals, subscribers must take a hard stand.

» adoptar una postura unánimespeak with + one voice .

Example: But the plot was to plant the seed of discord so that the Igbo cannot speak with one voice.

» adoptar un posturaembrace + a viewdon + a mantle .

Example: The author embraces a view which challenges several of the fundamental assumptions of cognitive science and artificial intelligence.

Example: This has created problems -- donning this mantle, with its 'publish or perish' credo, has forced a re-evaluation of the librarian's role.

» cambiar de posturareconsider + position .

Example: The Library of Congress has now reconsidered the position, and abandoned what was known as its compatible headings policy.

» cambiar radicalmente de posturado + an about-facemake + an about-facemake + a volte-facedo + a volte-face .

Example: If teachers lead the way, perhaps society will do an about-face and begin to recognize the tremendous contributions which they make.

Example: Known for his scathing criticism of Israel, he has made an about-face and published a volume dedicated to health in Israel, highlighting its achievements and challenges.

Example: Exactly three years ago, the government made a volte-face in its foreign policy and pivoted towards the Asia-Pacific region.

Example: Doing a volte-face, the Noida gang rape victim has changed her statement a day after filing a complaint of abduction and sexual assault.

» cambiar súbitamente de posturado + an about-facemake + an about-facemake + a volte-facedo + a volte-face .

Example: If teachers lead the way, perhaps society will do an about-face and begin to recognize the tremendous contributions which they make.

Example: Known for his scathing criticism of Israel, he has made an about-face and published a volume dedicated to health in Israel, highlighting its achievements and challenges.

Example: Exactly three years ago, the government made a volte-face in its foreign policy and pivoted towards the Asia-Pacific region.

Example: Doing a volte-face, the Noida gang rape victim has changed her statement a day after filing a complaint of abduction and sexual assault.

» cambio radical de posturaabout-faceabout-turnvolte-face .

Example: Tanzania provides one of the most extreme examples of an about-face in food marketing.

Example: The Attorney General was left with egg on his chin when no-one, not even his Prime Minister, bothered to inform him of this about-turn.

Example: Although she has repeatedly ruled out calling an early election, she says her volte-face is motivated by the need to 'strengthen our hand in negotiation with the European Union'.

» cambio súbito de posturaabout-facevolte-face .

Example: Tanzania provides one of the most extreme examples of an about-face in food marketing.

Example: Although she has repeatedly ruled out calling an early election, she says her volte-face is motivated by the need to 'strengthen our hand in negotiation with the European Union'.

» declaración de postura oficialposition paper .

Example: This article presents the official position paper on academic libraries.

» defender + Posesivo + posturaargue + Posesivo + case .

Example: All these people, as I understand it, had opportunities through the appropriate mechanism to argue their case.

» desafiar una posturachallenge + attitude .

Example: Literature is conciliatory, comforting us in our shared humanity, and subversive, challenging our prejudices and ingrained attitudes, our complacency.

» poner en entredicho una posturacompromise + a position .

Example: To ally ourselves with formal education in this or any other way might possibly compromise this position.

» postura defensivabunker mentality .

Example: The design and remodeling of schools can contribute to the safety of the school while reducing the negative effects of a bunker mentality.

» postura ideológicaideological stance .

Example: I know folk are very passionate about politics and can fight tooth and nail to defend their particular ideological stance.

» postura ideológica en contra de la homosexualidadheterosexism  .

Example: This article looks at attitudes barriers such as homophobia and heterosexism which some librarians experience.

» postura indefinidafence-sitting position .

Example: AACR2 considers the main entry to be the heading of a bibliographical record, a fence-sitting position which has been called 'an incongrous compromise' = Las RRCAA2 consideran que el asiento principal es el encabezamiento del registro bibliográfico, una postura indefinida que se ha denominado "una transigencia incongrua".

» postura únicaunified voice .

Example: He said one big problem is the lack of a unified voice among people who support voting machine reform.

» tomar una posturatake + a viewpointadopt + a stancetake + positiontake + a stance .

Example: Whatever viewpoint is taken, it is difficult to dispute the significance of AACR1.

Example: While librarians must not be overly censorious in their classification, they should not adopt a completely relativist stance that would absolve the profession of all responsibility.

Example: They took the position that it is not important to bring together the editions of a map.

Example: Consortia are essential to take a joint stance in negotiations with publishers.

» tomar una postura duratake + a tough stance .

Example: He has signalled he will take a tough stance on prickly issues such as outsourcing, and limits on exports of sensitive technology.

» tomar una postura firmetake + a stand (against) .

Example: When the profession once more brought censorship under the spotlight in the 70s, it was less critical and more loath to take a stand.

» tomar una postura intransigentetake + a hard stand .

Example: In order to reverse the proliferation of high-priced journals, subscribers must take a hard stand.

Postura synonyms

set in spanish: conjunto, pronunciation: set part of speech: verb, noun lay in spanish: laico, pronunciation: leɪ part of speech: verb post in spanish: enviar, pronunciation: poʊst part of speech: noun place in spanish: lugar, pronunciation: pleɪs part of speech: noun spot in spanish: lugar, pronunciation: spɑt part of speech: noun side in spanish: lado, pronunciation: saɪd part of speech: noun perspective in spanish: perspectiva, pronunciation: pɜrspektɪv part of speech: noun view in spanish: ver, pronunciation: vju part of speech: noun put in spanish: poner, pronunciation: pʊt part of speech: verb office in spanish: oficina, pronunciation: ɔfəs part of speech: noun attitude in spanish: actitud, pronunciation: ætətud part of speech: noun status in spanish: estado, pronunciation: stætəs part of speech: noun pose in spanish: actitud, pronunciation: poʊz part of speech: verb slot in spanish: espacio, pronunciation: slɑt part of speech: noun lieu in spanish: lugar, pronunciation: lu part of speech: noun situation in spanish: situación, pronunciation: sɪtʃueɪʃən part of speech: noun berth in spanish: atracar, pronunciation: bɜrθ part of speech: noun posture in spanish: postura, pronunciation: pɑstʃɜr part of speech: noun location in spanish: ubicación, pronunciation: loʊkeɪʃən part of speech: noun stead in spanish: lugar, pronunciation: sted part of speech: noun placement in spanish: colocación, pronunciation: pleɪsmənt part of speech: noun positioning in spanish: posicionamiento, pronunciation: pəzɪʃənɪŋ part of speech: noun emplacement in spanish: emplazamiento, pronunciation: ɪmpleɪsmənt part of speech: noun locating in spanish: ubicando, pronunciation: loʊkeɪtɪŋ part of speech: noun situating in spanish: situando, pronunciation: sɪtʃweɪtɪŋ part of speech: verb military position in spanish: posición militar, pronunciation: mɪləteripəzɪʃən part of speech: noun spatial relation in spanish: relación espacial, pronunciation: speɪʃəlrileɪʃən part of speech: noun
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