Postre in english


pronunciation: dɪzɜrt part of speech: noun
In gestures

postrar = lay + Nombre + low. 

Example: She suffered frequent flare-ups of widespread inflammation that would lay her low for days on end.


» postrarseprostrate + Reflexivolie + prostrateprostrate .

Example: The Muslims in prayer prostrate themselves completely 5 times a day.

Example: Pope Francis today lay prostrate in the centre of St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican to commemorate Jesus' death by crucifixion.

Example: When we prostrate, we seek to purify our delusions, negativities and our bad karma.

postre = dessert ; pudding. 

Example: The book covers the following topics: cereals and pastas; vegetables and fruits; breads; desserts and cookies; cakes and icings; and pastry and pies.Example: In the British Isles, and some Commonwealth countries, pudding is the common name for dessert.


» a la postreafter (all/everything) is said and doneat the end of the day .

Example: And after all is said and done, hiring decisions, for the most part, are based on whether or not the candidate is likeable.

Example: At the end of the day, the greatest need for the foreseeable future remains space for books and ordinary readers.

» chocolate para postresbaking chocolatecooking chocolate .

Example: Whether it is white chocolate, baking chocolate, milk chocolate or some kind of chocolate confection, proper storage is key.

Example: The main reason why I am asking is that normal chocolate can be quite a bit cheaper than cooking chocolate but I wasn't sure if it would make much diffenece to the recipe or not.

» comida de dos platos y postrethree-course meal .

Example: When you've had a long day, and don't have the energy to prepare a three course meal or for those unexpected guests that drop in without a minute to spare, here's a quick meal to serve.

Postre synonyms

sweet in spanish: dulce, pronunciation: swit part of speech: adjective
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