Posteridad in english


pronunciation: pɑsterəti part of speech: noun
In gestures

posteridad = posterity. 

Example: This article explains the importance of preservation of audiovisual media for the benefit of posterity.


» conservar para la posteridadpass on to + posterity .

Example: Up until recently, these institutions have tended to view the stewardship of their art as a public trust, to be passed on to posterity.

» dejar a la posteridadbequeath to + posterity .

Example: Robert Watt was thoroughly bitten by the bibliography bug and although he bequeathed an important piece of work to posterity, he and his surviving family can hardly be said to have enjoyed good fortune from it.

» para la posteridadfor posterity .

Example: Libraries, archives and record offices must collect and preserve for posterity as much primary source material as they are able and exploit it as much as possible.

» pasar a la posteridadgo down to + posterity .

Example: He will go down to posterity inseparably connected with the discovery of laryngoscopy.

Posteridad synonyms

descendants in spanish: descendientes, pronunciation: dɪsendənts part of speech: noun
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