Poste in english


pronunciation: poʊst part of speech: noun
In gestures

poste = stilt ; goal post ; post ; pole. 

Example: The huts are built on stilts to give the turtles access to the entire beach for nesting.Example: If football goal posts were wider, and crossbars were higher, so that more goals were scored, would watching football be more fun?.Example: If no trees are available, zip lines can be constructed between two posts.Example: That night, I drank cow milk from a giant gourd, listened to tribal songs, and slept on a floating cowskin stretched between four poles.


» poste de la luzlamppostlight pole .

Example: Slake is such a dreamer that he bumps into lampposts.

Example: If your landing area is close to power lines or light poles, be very careful of them.

» poste de llegadafinishing post, thewinning post, the .

Example: They were all decked out in top hat and tails, sipping champagne and preparing to shout their horse all the way home to the finishing post.

Example: In 1947 certain racetracks introduced cameras at the winning post to determine the outcomes of close finishes.

» poste de llegadafinishing post, thewinning post, the .

Example: They were all decked out in top hat and tails, sipping champagne and preparing to shout their horse all the way home to the finishing post.

Example: In 1947 certain racetracks introduced cameras at the winning post to determine the outcomes of close finishes.

» poste de salida, elstarting post, the .

Example: When the horse crossed the starting post, the flag was lowered signalling to those with stop watches to start timing.

» poste de teléfonostelephone pole .

Example: These relays are small and self-contained, and can be mounted on existing telephone poles.

» poste de telégrafostelegraph pole .

Example: The first telegraph wires were laid underground but the standard practice soon became to hang them from insulators on telegraph poles.

Poste synonyms

base in spanish: base, pronunciation: beɪs part of speech: noun place in spanish: lugar, pronunciation: pleɪs part of speech: noun spot in spanish: lugar, pronunciation: spɑt part of speech: noun office in spanish: oficina, pronunciation: ɔfəs part of speech: noun position in spanish: posición, pronunciation: pəzɪʃən part of speech: noun station in spanish: estación, pronunciation: steɪʃən part of speech: noun stake in spanish: estaca, pronunciation: steɪk part of speech: noun mail in spanish: correo, pronunciation: meɪl part of speech: noun brand in spanish: marca, pronunciation: brænd part of speech: noun slot in spanish: espacio, pronunciation: slɑt part of speech: noun send in spanish: enviar, pronunciation: send part of speech: verb situation in spanish: situación, pronunciation: sɪtʃueɪʃən part of speech: noun berth in spanish: atracar, pronunciation: bɜrθ part of speech: noun put up in spanish: Hospedarse, pronunciation: pʊtʌp part of speech: verb postal service in spanish: servicio Postal, pronunciation: poʊstəlsɜrvəs part of speech: noun military post in spanish: puesto militar, pronunciation: mɪləteripoʊst part of speech: noun
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