Postal in english


pronunciation: poʊstəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

postal1 = postcard ; picture postcard. 

Example: The mediatheque serves the local, deprived population with story hours, film shows, exchange of stamps and postcards.Example: Picture postcards can provide visual evidence of the built environment and are one of the sources which historic preservationists can use in their work.

postal2 = postal. 

Example: Postal questionnaires are notoriously lacking in precision and open to interpretation which cannot be checked.


» apartado postalpost office box .

Example: The results revealed that students considered notices in their university post office boxes to be the best way of informing them of activities.

» código postalpost-codepostal codezip code .

Example: Most can also sort the file by at least one field (usually name), and in some cases by city, post-code or keywords (assigned by the user).

Example: This, incidentally, is one area where North American software does not travel well: UK postal codes will not fit into fields designed for US zip codes.

Example: This, incidentally, is one area where North American software does not travel well: UK postal codes will not fit into fields designed for US zip codes.

» correo postalpostal mail .

Example: Library to client services allow users to request searches from their own homes and offices and receive search results in hard copy via the postal mail or electronically.

» demora postalmail lag [Demora que naturalmente ocurre entre el momento en que se envía la carta y es recibida] .

Example: The mail lag in days is the time required for a recall notice to be delivered and for a borrower to return the document to the library.

» dirección postalmailing addresspostal address .

Example: The directory includes names of contact people, mailing addresses, phone, e-mail and FAX numbers.

Example: All proposals should include full name, institutional affiliation, postal address, telephone and email details for all participants.

» giro postalmoney orderpost office paymentpostal order .

Example: While the U.S. Treasury has taken steps to make it harder to counterfeit American currency, it's still apparently easy to make up fake money orders.

Example: Post office payments should be paid to Giro Account No: 351460.

Example: Please enclose a cheque or postal order when returning this form.

» giro postal internacionalinternational money order .

Example: A lot has been written about how fraudulent international money orders can look real, where even banks accept them as genuine.

» paquete postalparcel post .

Example: Bound issues can be sent by letter rather than parcel post.

» servicio postalpostal delivery service .

Example: The 1st problem has been tackled by fax or postal delivery services offered by E-mail companies.
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