Posponer in english


pronunciation: poʊstpoʊn part of speech: verb
In gestures

posponer = defer ; move to + a time when ; postpone ; put off ; put + Nombre + aside ; hold off ; put + Nombre + on hold ; delay ; put + Nombre + aside. 

Example: If the fund has not yet been assigned, entering a 'no' automatically defers the order.Example: Because reorganisation allows the optimization of update and searching procedures, it moves the maintenance to a time when it does not affect the operation of the system.Example: Since this will likely be a long meeting, I suggest we postpone approving the minutes of our last meeting.Example: Thus the day for practical application of bibliographical hypotheses is continually being put off.Example: Many financial experts suggest that you take 10% of your income, and put it aside for your long-term savings.Example: A dam at the Strait of Gibraltar could be constructed to limit the outflow and reverse the climate deterioration, thus holding off the next ice age.Example: But for the time being, the natural gas boom has been put on hold until we find out what's really going on.Example: It would be wise to delay reading these until you have had some experience in using the scheme.Example: If there is one, the borrower must be notified, and the copy somehow put aside for that borrower for a limited amount of time.


» posponer Algoput + Nombre + on ice .

Example: Any action that the government might have considered taking was put on ice pending the results of the Royal Commission on Legal Services set up in 1976.

» posponer las cosas hasta el último momentoput things off to/until the last minute .

Example: In retrospect, this was a grave error -- my attitude in school was always to put things off to the last minute.

» posponer las cosas hasta el último minutoput things off to/until the last minute .

Example: In retrospect, this was a grave error -- my attitude in school was always to put things off to the last minute.

» posponer una discusióntable + discussion .

Example: Discussion on the considerable effect that library administrations can have on the budget is tabled until later in the chapter.

Posponer synonyms

table in spanish: mesa, pronunciation: teɪbəl part of speech: noun defer in spanish: aplazar, pronunciation: dɪfɜr part of speech: verb remit in spanish: remitir, pronunciation: rimɪt part of speech: verb, noun put off in spanish: posponer, pronunciation: pʊtɔf part of speech: verb shelve in spanish: dejar de lado, pronunciation: ʃelv part of speech: verb set back in spanish: retrasar, pronunciation: setbæk part of speech: verb hold over in spanish: posponer, pronunciation: hoʊldoʊvɜr part of speech: verb put over in spanish: poner sobre, pronunciation: pʊtoʊvɜr part of speech: verb
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