Posoperatorio in english


pronunciation: pɑstɑpɜrətɪv part of speech: adjective
In gestures

pos(t)operatorio = post-operative [postoperative] ; post-op ; post-surgery. 

Example: This article analyses the possibility of building an expert system to reason on the status of post-operative cardiac patients in intensive care units (ICU).Example: When I returned home at 11 days post-op, I was given a long list of exercises to continue until 6 weeks post-op.Example: If your guinea pig is receiving post-surgery antibiotics, watch for antibiotic intolerance which may also result in anorexia.


» complicaciones postoperatoriaspost-operative complications .

Example: Most cases of evisceration in humans result as post-operative complications following laparotomy, with mortality rates ranging from 18% to 36%.

» cuidados pos(t)operatoriosaftercare .

Example: Many American hospitals stress patient education through internal TV programmes, and instruction by a team, which includes the librarian, in aftercare.

Posoperatorio synonyms

operative in spanish: operatorio, pronunciation: ɑpɜrətɪv part of speech: adjective surgical in spanish: quirúrgico, pronunciation: sɜrdʒɪkəl part of speech: adjective
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