Positivo in english


pronunciation: pɑzətɪv part of speech: adjective
In gestures

positivo = beneficial ; constructive ; healthy ; plus ; positive ; nurturing ; win-win + Nombre ; empowering ; uplifting. 

Example: A high exhaustivity of indexing, then, is beneficial where a thorough search is required, but may be a handicap when only a few highly relevant documents are sought.Example: During her tenure as head of the EPA library, she dealt with the dissatisfaction with the national treatment of U.S. documents in a most constructive manner, by establishing the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT).Example: Do not use the negative (e.g. use sick instead of not healthy).Example: Here the date the amount was changed, the amount of the change, either plus or minus, and the user number of the person making the change are shown.Example: When the amount of money is positive, this money is credited to the vendor.Example: All managers should be knowledgeable in strategies of good directing so that a productive and nurturing environment can be created.Example: The situation appears unstable and unsatisfactory; yet it survives in the absence of something better, such as a win-win scenario where publishers, librarians and researchers could all benefit.Example: The implications here are that the organizational climate must be nurturing rather than coercive, empowering rather than controlling.Example: It must be the least uplifting, most circumspect film ever made about sainthood.


» acabar de forma positivaend + Nombre + on a high (note)end on + a positive noteleave on + a positive note .

Example: There were ups and downs, to be sure, but it sure did end on a high note.

Example: Finally, I would like to end on a positive note, and say that I am happy with pretty much all of the other changes you have implemented.

Example: Life is unpredictable and you cannot see the future so don't miss the chance to leave on a positive note.

» acabar de manera positivaend on + a positive noteleave on + a positive note .

Example: Finally, I would like to end on a positive note, and say that I am happy with pretty much all of the other changes you have implemented.

Example: Life is unpredictable and you cannot see the future so don't miss the chance to leave on a positive note.

» acabar de modo positivoend on + a positive noteleave on + a positive note .

Example: Finally, I would like to end on a positive note, and say that I am happy with pretty much all of the other changes you have implemented.

Example: Life is unpredictable and you cannot see the future so don't miss the chance to leave on a positive note.

» acabar en (un) tono positivoend on + a positive noteleave on + a positive notefinish on + a positive note .

Example: Finally, I would like to end on a positive note, and say that I am happy with pretty much all of the other changes you have implemented.

Example: Life is unpredictable and you cannot see the future so don't miss the chance to leave on a positive note.

Example: As we always like to finish on a positive note we'll start with the bad and the ugly and finish with the good.

» actitud positivapositive attitude .

Example: Forecasting techniques should be viewed not with skepticism and dread but with hope and a positive attitude.

» balance positivocredit balancepositive outcome .

Example: Bank accounts may have a credit balance where the bank owes money to the customer; or a debit balance where the customer owes the bank money.

Example: When domestic violence is an issue, many victims find that the divorce itself is the only positive outcome of a physically abusive marriage.

» beneficio positivopositive return .

Example: Twenty case studies were presented demonstrating the use of information technology to achieve a positive return on investment within the federal government.

» como dato positivoon a happier noteon a positive note .

Example: On a happier note, I was chewing the cud in a taxi cab on the way to work this morning when suddently a well-dressed old man wiggled his hand at me.

Example: On a positive note, losing weight after menopause decreases breast cancer risk.

» con una carga positivapositively charged .

Example: A chelant, sometimes referred to as a sequestrant, is a specialized molecule designed to bind to positively charged metal ions, most commonly calcium and magnesium.

» dar positivotest + positive .

Example: If you test positive, it would be better to refrain from wearing a neoprene wetsuit.

» de forma positivain a positive lightconstructivelyin a positive mannerin a good way .

Example: The author regards the gift in a positive light, describing the uses to which the books have been put in one particular school in Wales.

Example: The needs of ethnic groups, the unwaged, hospital patients, prisoners and other groups are being constructively considered.

Example: An effective marketing campaign will shape your customers image of your company in a positive manner.

Example: How can humans affect the environment in a good way?.

» de manera positivain a positive lightin a positive mannerconstructively .

Example: The author regards the gift in a positive light, describing the uses to which the books have been put in one particular school in Wales.

Example: An effective marketing campaign will shape your customers image of your company in a positive manner.

Example: The needs of ethnic groups, the unwaged, hospital patients, prisoners and other groups are being constructively considered.

» de modo positivoin a positive mannerin a positive light .

Example: An effective marketing campaign will shape your customers image of your company in a positive manner.

Example: The author regards the gift in a positive light, describing the uses to which the books have been put in one particular school in Wales.

» de un modo positivopositivelyconstructively .

Example: The debate as to which is the most effective way to classify books has not been positively settled.

Example: The needs of ethnic groups, the unwaged, hospital patients, prisoners and other groups are being constructively considered.

» discriminación positivapositive discrimination [Principio por el cual se favorece deliberadamente a personas que por su religión, raza o sexo han sido tradicionalmente discriminadas en el entorno laboral o educativo] .

Example: If the library is to compensate for social inequalities it must exercise positive discrimination and treat unequals unequally.

» efecto positivopositive effectbeneficial effect .

Example: In general, the level of cooperation with other research institutes has no positive effect on output.

Example: The author presents the results of a citation analysis study of an important clinical trial which demonstrated the beneficial effects of a technique for treating diabetics.

» en el lado positivoon the credit sideon the bright sideon the upside .

Example: On the debit side, then, lay several aspects of the fifteenth edition, but there were also some features on the credit side.

Example: On the bright side, by doing that they save a ton of money on makeup and costumes.

Example: On the upside, I spent yesterday with my grandson -- he is a fresh baby, still yellow around the gills but eating, pooping and peeing just like he should.

» energía positivagood vibes .

Example: Sure, we all have moments, but if a person is inclined to have these 'bad vibes' more often than 'good vibes,' then they need to step back.

» experiencia positivasuccess story .

Example: There were some quite spectacular success stories reported of SLIS exporting their IT talents to the rest of the institution.

» impacto positivopositive impact .

Example: 69 percent of business leaders in the Arab states of the region believe Iran will have a rather positive impact on the regional business.

» mantenerse positivohang in (there) .

Example: Hang in there -- I'm sure you'll find a job very soon = No pierdas la esperanza, estoy seguro de que encontrarás trabajo muy pronto.

» número entero positivopositive integer .

Example: In certain entertainment magazines there is a type of crossword puzzle where, instead. of clues for words, the cells contain positive integers.

» período positivobonanza .

Example: The long awaited bonanza in optical storage has finally arisen.

» puntos positivosbrownie points [Expresión usada generalmente en plural] .

Example: Dudes who 'call' themselves feminists are almost always after brownie points -- it's fucking embarrassing.

» reacción positivapositive reaction .

Example: For example, positive reactions included, 'It was an enjoyable experience,' 'It made me think' and 'I found it sad but not depressing'.

» relación positivapositive relationship .

Example: A more relaxed interpretation of the data suggests a positive relationship between circulation figures and local unemployment rates.

» respuesta positivapositive response .

Example: If the author was known but not the title the odds in favour of a positive response were two to one. = Si el autor era conocido pero no el título las probabilidades a favor de una respuesta positiva eran de dos a una.

» resultado positivopositive outcomepositive result .

Example: When domestic violence is an issue, many victims find that the divorce itself is the only positive outcome of a physically abusive marriage.

Example: However, the effects of media conglomeration on Times Mirror for bottom line results would pull the plug on the New York venture that was nearing its provisional term and beginning to show positive results.

» saldo positivocredit balance .

Example: Bank accounts may have a credit balance where the bank owes money to the customer; or a debit balance where the customer owes the bank money.

» tener connotaciones positivashave + positive connotations .

Example: However, slender has positive connotations, and skinny has negative connotations..

» tener un efecto positivo en/sobrehave + a positive effect on .

Example: A new study has discovered that simply clenching your fists can have a positive effect on memory.

» terminar de forma positivaend + Nombre + on a high (note)end on + a positive noteleave on + a positive note .

Example: There were ups and downs, to be sure, but it sure did end on a high note.

Example: Finally, I would like to end on a positive note, and say that I am happy with pretty much all of the other changes you have implemented.

Example: Life is unpredictable and you cannot see the future so don't miss the chance to leave on a positive note.

» terminar de manera positivaend on + a positive note .

Example: Finally, I would like to end on a positive note, and say that I am happy with pretty much all of the other changes you have implemented.

» terminar de modo positivoend on + a positive noteleave on + a positive note .

Example: Finally, I would like to end on a positive note, and say that I am happy with pretty much all of the other changes you have implemented.

Example: Life is unpredictable and you cannot see the future so don't miss the chance to leave on a positive note.

» terminar en (un) tono positivoend on + a positive notefinish on + a positive noteleave on + a positive note .

Example: Finally, I would like to end on a positive note, and say that I am happy with pretty much all of the other changes you have implemented.

Example: As we always like to finish on a positive note we'll start with the bad and the ugly and finish with the good.

Example: Life is unpredictable and you cannot see the future so don't miss the chance to leave on a positive note.

» test + ser + positivotest + positive .

Example: If you test positive, it would be better to refrain from wearing a neoprene wetsuit.

» valor positivovirtue .

Example: Murra described a number of these enterprises, their virtues and weaknesses and the possible explanations for their demise.

» ver el lado positivolook on + the bright side .

Example: Looking on the bright side, this crisis has shown us that some people just shouldn't be homeowners.

» ver las cosas positivaslook on + the bright side .

Example: Looking on the bright side, this crisis has shown us that some people just shouldn't be homeowners.

» ver las cosas positivas de la vidalook on + the bright side of life .

Example: A genetically-driven tendency to look on the bright side of life is a core mechanism underlying resilience to general life stress.

Positivo synonyms

bold in spanish: negrita, pronunciation: boʊld part of speech: adjective plus in spanish: más, pronunciation: plʌs part of speech: noun confident in spanish: confidente, pronunciation: kɑnfədənt part of speech: adjective enthusiastic in spanish: entusiasta, pronunciation: ɪnθuziæstɪk part of speech: adjective optimistic in spanish: optimista, pronunciation: ɑptəmɪstɪk part of speech: adjective formal in spanish: formal, pronunciation: fɔrməl part of speech: adjective affirmative in spanish: afirmativo, pronunciation: əfɜrmətɪv part of speech: adjective, noun constructive in spanish: constructivo, pronunciation: kənstrʌktɪv part of speech: adjective favorable in spanish: favorable, pronunciation: feɪvɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective advantageous in spanish: ventajoso, pronunciation: ædvənteɪdʒəs part of speech: adjective prescribed in spanish: prescrito, pronunciation: priskraɪbd part of speech: adjective incontrovertible in spanish: incontrovertible, pronunciation: ɪŋkɑntroʊvɜrtɪbəl part of speech: adjective convinced in spanish: convencido, pronunciation: kənvɪnst part of speech: adjective irrefutable in spanish: irrefutable, pronunciation: ɪrəfjutəbəl part of speech: adjective cocksure in spanish: presumido, pronunciation: kɑkʃɜr part of speech: adjective undeniable in spanish: innegable, pronunciation: əndɪnaɪəbəl part of speech: adjective confirming in spanish: confirmando, pronunciation: kənfɜrmɪŋ part of speech: adjective positivist in spanish: positivista, pronunciation: pɑzətɪvɪst part of speech: adjective, noun positivistic in spanish: positivista, pronunciation: pɑzətɪvɪstɪk part of speech: adjective overconfident in spanish: demasiado seguro, pronunciation: oʊvɜrkɑnfɪdənt part of speech: adjective electropositive in spanish: electropositivo, pronunciation: ɪlektrəpɑzɪtɪv part of speech: adjective affirmatory in spanish: afirmativo, pronunciation: əfɜrmətɔri part of speech: adjective
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