Posición in english


pronunciation: pəzɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

posición = attitude ; character position ; location ; position ; position ; ranking ; footing ; stand ; rank number ; stance ; standing ; grading ; mindshare. 

Example: One major hurdle remain before wider implementation can be expected user attitudes and acceptance of this physical form of catalogue and index.Example: The record length is the number of character positions in the record including the record label and the record separator.Example: Having been alerted to the existence of a document, the user needs information concerning the actual location of the document, in order that the document may be read.Example: He has held a variety of positions of increasing responsibility.Example: The directory is a finding list which lists for every field its tag, the number of characters in the field, and the starting character position of the field within the record.Example: Those documents with sufficiently high rankings will be deemed relevant and eventually retrieved.Example: Certain new factors have fertilized the ground for the rooting and growth of activity on a stronger and firmer footing than has ever been possible in the past.Example: The Midwinter Meeting of the American Library Association included various items of business such as: the ALA stand on UNESCO; a new dues schedule; grants; role of school librarians in ALA; new cataloguing tools; and standards.Example: The article is entitled 'Journal ranking: the issue of allotting rank numbers when there is a tie'.Example: It is precisely such programme arrangements which seemed, upon examination, to produce an equivocal stance on the question of applying the technology in a user-orientated way.Example: Their sheer institutional standing and regard have had a bearing upon the creation of a situation which is a good deal better than it might otherwise have been.Example: It is interesting that, in this case, socio-economic grading was a better social discriminator than was terminal educational age.Example: Libaries mindshare in this new self-service e-resource environment is also clear: behind newer entrants.


» alta posiciónhigh estate .

Example: Both novels tell essentially the same story, that of a woman sundered from her high estate and her betrothed.

» aprovecharse de + Posesivo + posicióntake + advantage of + Posesivo + position .

Example: He had always anathematized those who took unscrupulous advantage of their positions, and those who succumbed to their insolent methods.

» cambiar de posicióntransposereposition [re-position] .

Example: Give the elements of data in the order of the sequence of the following rules, even if this means transposing data.

Example: All sectors of the information industry need to reposition themselves as a means of survival.

» casarse con Alguien de una clase/posición social superiormarry + Nombre + above + Posesivo + station .

Example: He managed to marry a woman slightly above his station , though she reminded him of that as often as she could = Él se las ingenió para casarse con una mujer de una clase social ligeramente superior, aunque ella se lo recordaba tan a menudo como podía.

» colocarse en la posición deplace + Reflexivo + in the position of .

Example: The librarian should at all times try to place himself in the position of the reader and ask just how much information will be useful without becoming overpowering.

» conseguir una posiciónsecure + a place .

Example: A last-gasp penalty gave Scotland a win over Argentina in a fierce match between two teams desperate to secure a place in the top eight of the world rankings.

» de posición intermediamiddle-ground .

Example: Beginning with a middle-ground strategy may offer the best balance between Recall and Precision.

» en la mejor posiciónbest-positioned .

Example: Content is selectable and librarians are the best-positioned people in the world to choose what readers need = El contenido es seleccionable y los bibliotecarios son las personas mejor posicionadas en el mundo para escoger lo que los lectores necesitan.

» en posición correctathe right way round .

Example: The image is thus transferred to the paper and appears the right way round.

» en una buena posiciónwell-positionedwell-placed .

Example: It's the most well-positioned superregional bank in the country to come out of the global crisis.

Example: Many smokers blame their littering behavior on a lack of well-placed bins for cigarette butts.

» escalar posicionescome (up) from behind .

Example: She came up from behind to win an Olympic gold medal in Atlanta.

» estar en la mejor posición parabe best positioned to .

Example: In the small number of cases where threats are insufficient, the library will be best positioned to institute legal action.

» estar en posición debe in a position to .

Example: At some stage, the librarian will be in a position to examine closely a number of programs that are likely candidates for purchase.

» estar en (una) buena posición parabe in a good position to .

Example: Savvy merchants that stocked up when the price was low are in a good position to make a pile of money.

» intercambiar posicionesswitch + Nombre + (a)roundswap + Nombre + (a)round .

Example: The only thing wrong with my keyboard is that these two symbols are switched around.

Example: She entered and then looked at the phone and was really angry because she realised that their phones had been swapped around.

» luz de posiciónsidelight .

Example: The devil is in the details -- that was the lesson he learned when the sidelight of his bike came unhinged during the rally.

» mantener la posiciónhold + the line .

Example: The standpatters argue, and the progressives agree, that the tax line must be held in the interest of attracting industry = Los conservadores proponen y los progresistas están de acuerdo en que se deben contener los impuestos para atraer a la industria.

» ocupar la mejor posición parabe in the best position tobe best positioned tobe the best placed to .

Example: They should be in the best position to lobby all the key organizations so that their viewpoint can be taken into account when legislation is being drafted and discussed.

Example: In the small number of cases where threats are insufficient, the library will be best positioned to institute legal action.

Example: The trend seems to be towards holding information managers responsible for errors as a matter of policy because they would be the best placed to avoid the errors.

» ocupar una posicióntake + positionfill + a nicheoccupy + a niche .

Example: The index user can approach a composite heading via one of the concepts that does not take the first position in the citation order.

Example: CD-ROM data bases have an important niche to fill in the legal information business, and academic law libraries have a major role to play in educating potential users.

Example: Dissertations occupy a special niche in the geoscience literature.

» ocupar una posición debe in position of .

Example: But he's definetely in no position of strength right now.

» ocupar un posiciónoccupy + a position .

Example: The person occupying this position would not be a professional librarian.

» posición de comienzooffset value .

Example: Once the data diskette has been packed, records saved on it may have new offset values.

» posición del loto, lalotus position, thepadmasana .

Example: Evan took a seat on the stone bench, eagerly folding his legs into the lotus position.

Example: Padmasana, lotus position, the position in which the Buddha is normally shown sitting, is the iconic yoga position.

» posición del perritodoggy position .

Example: The doggy position is the most common position used during anal sex.

» posición de poderposition power [Autoridad que confiere el puesto o cargo ocupado] .

Example: Emphasis must be given to authority rooted in expertise rather than position power.

» posición de ventajahigh ground .

Example: I can definitely tell you from a military view, that the US and Iraqi forces are on the high ground in Iraq.

» posición elevadahigh ground .

Example: I can definitely tell you from a military view, that the US and Iraqi forces are on the high ground in Iraq.

» posición enemigaenemy position .

Example: They called for air support in destroying the enemy position.

» posición estratégicavantage point .

Example: The reference desk is suggested as the best vantage point from which to view the library and its users.

» posición geográficageolocation .

Example: In a nutshell, geolocation analyzes the user's IP address (the number associated with your computer) to guesstimate where the user is accessing the Internet.

» posición incorrecta, enwrong way round, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: A blemish which looks like wrong imposition, but is not, occurred when the second forme of a sheet was laid on the press the wrong way round.

» posición iniciallead positionstarting position .

Example: Obviously, for each term to appear in the lead position, at least six entries are necessary.

Example: If one of them is held down long enough, the cursor will eventually be moved back to its starting position, since the screen 'wraps around'.

» posición intermediamiddle way .

Example: A middle way between these views depends on the creation of a knowledge economy.

» posición negociadorabargaining position .

Example: Indonesian workers want a fairer bargaining position and have reason to be critical of foreign investment.

» posición para negociarbargaining position .

Example: Indonesian workers want a fairer bargaining position and have reason to be critical of foreign investment.

» posición privilegiadaadvantageous position .

Example: For the two-car family, living in the countryside can present few problems, but most households are not in such an advantageous position.

» posición socialsocial standingsocial status .

Example: Their observations give a fascinating and humorous insight into the social standing of public libraries in the Ireland of the early 1900's.

Example: A significantly higher percentage of female librarians were satisfied with the social status of their job and with their work.

» posición ventajosavantage pointhigh ground .

Example: The reference desk is suggested as the best vantage point from which to view the library and its users.

Example: I can definitely tell you from a military view, that the US and Iraqi forces are on the high ground in Iraq.

» primera posiciónpole position [En las carreras de automóviles, primeras posiciones que ocupan aquellos participantes que han obtenido mejores tiempos en las pruebas anteriores]pole startfirst place .

Example: The article 'Europe in the pole position of global patent information' reports on a new initiative to put Europe ahead in global patent information provision.

Example: Leon Haslam started in commanding form, shattering the Norfolk circuit records as he claimed his third pole start of the season, at an average speed of 108.95mph.

Example: When people think of cross-country running, they often picture a group of skinny people sweating profusely as they compete for first place.

» primera posición de salidapole startpole position [En las carreras de automóviles, primeras posiciones que ocupan aquellos participantes que han obtenido mejores tiempos en las pruebas anteriores] .

Example: Leon Haslam started in commanding form, shattering the Norfolk circuit records as he claimed his third pole start of the season, at an average speed of 108.95mph.

Example: The article 'Europe in the pole position of global patent information' reports on a new initiative to put Europe ahead in global patent information provision.

» que ocupa la mejor posiciónbest-positioned .

Example: Content is selectable and librarians are the best-positioned people in the world to choose what readers need = El contenido es seleccionable y los bibliotecarios son las personas mejor posicionadas en el mundo para escoger lo que los lectores necesitan.

» reconsiderar posiciónreconsider + position .

Example: The Library of Congress has now reconsidered the position, and abandoned what was known as its compatible headings policy.

» subir posicionescome (up) from behind .

Example: She came up from behind to win an Olympic gold medal in Atlanta.

Posición synonyms

set in spanish: conjunto, pronunciation: set part of speech: verb, noun lay in spanish: laico, pronunciation: leɪ part of speech: verb post in spanish: enviar, pronunciation: poʊst part of speech: noun place in spanish: lugar, pronunciation: pleɪs part of speech: noun spot in spanish: lugar, pronunciation: spɑt part of speech: noun side in spanish: lado, pronunciation: saɪd part of speech: noun perspective in spanish: perspectiva, pronunciation: pɜrspektɪv part of speech: noun view in spanish: ver, pronunciation: vju part of speech: noun put in spanish: poner, pronunciation: pʊt part of speech: verb office in spanish: oficina, pronunciation: ɔfəs part of speech: noun attitude in spanish: actitud, pronunciation: ætətud part of speech: noun status in spanish: estado, pronunciation: stætəs part of speech: noun pose in spanish: actitud, pronunciation: poʊz part of speech: verb slot in spanish: espacio, pronunciation: slɑt part of speech: noun lieu in spanish: lugar, pronunciation: lu part of speech: noun situation in spanish: situación, pronunciation: sɪtʃueɪʃən part of speech: noun berth in spanish: atracar, pronunciation: bɜrθ part of speech: noun posture in spanish: postura, pronunciation: pɑstʃɜr part of speech: noun location in spanish: ubicación, pronunciation: loʊkeɪʃən part of speech: noun stead in spanish: lugar, pronunciation: sted part of speech: noun placement in spanish: colocación, pronunciation: pleɪsmənt part of speech: noun positioning in spanish: posicionamiento, pronunciation: pəzɪʃənɪŋ part of speech: noun emplacement in spanish: emplazamiento, pronunciation: ɪmpleɪsmənt part of speech: noun locating in spanish: ubicando, pronunciation: loʊkeɪtɪŋ part of speech: noun situating in spanish: situando, pronunciation: sɪtʃweɪtɪŋ part of speech: verb military position in spanish: posición militar, pronunciation: mɪləteripəzɪʃən part of speech: noun spatial relation in spanish: relación espacial, pronunciation: speɪʃəlrileɪʃən part of speech: noun
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