Posibilidad in english


pronunciation: pɑsəbɪləti part of speech: noun
In gestures

posibilidad = ability ; avenue ; chance ; eventuality ; facility ; feasibility ; possibility ; probability ; prospect ; scope ; potentiality ; maybe ; eligibility ; sporting chance ; affordance ; odds. 

Example: The ability to search on word stems is particularly valuable where the text to be searched is in free-language format.Example: In the attempt to match the above criteria, there are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.Example: In some authority files (titles, ISBN/ISSN, national bibliographic record numbers), no search of the file is made because there is little chance of finding the new entry in the file.Example: It was not our intention, not indeed is it feasible, to cover every eventuality that will be encountered in producing A/Z index entries.Example: Apart from this additional facility Double-KWIC indexes have most of the facilities, features and drawbacks of KWIC and KWOC indexes.Example: However, even with selective indexing in combination, the limit of feasibility is usually reckoned to be compound subjects consisting of five terms.Example: Apart from the names of subjects, the names of corporate bodies, persons, chemicals, trade products, and trade names are some other possibilities.Example: Our system should be one which reduces the probability of error as far a possible.Example: At the time OCLC started, there was no prospect for a national authority file.Example: They permit much more scope for flexible synthesis than can be achieved with DC or LCC.Example: The combination of optical projection and photographic reduction is already producing some results in microfilm for scholarly purposes, and the potentialities are highly suggestive.Example: Instead of ranking the documents retrieved in probable order of relevance, the conventional search sorts the relevant sheep from the irrelevant goats and ignores the fact that there are a lot of 'maybe's' involved.Example: The advantages of a foundation include tax-deductible donations, increased eligibility for grants, and the involvement of affluent and influential local figures as advocates for the public library service.Example: The bear was shot in his cage and was never given a sporting chance to fight for his life.Example: In design terms, the degree to which an object is appropriate for its environment and thus likely to be employed by a user is termed an affordance.Example: Although her odds are now greatly reduced, Julia still has a chance of surviving her cancer.


» abanico de posibilidadeskaleidoscopekaleidoscope of possibilities .

Example: The issues that concern the vast majority of disadvantaged people present an interesting kaleidoscope.

Example: A kaleidoscope of possibilities is the theme of this year's conference programme.

» abarcar todas las posibilidadesrun + the gamut .

Example: The elements to be included are fairly well standardized, but the order of presentation can run the gamut and is usually an individual choice of the abstracting agency.

» abrir nuevas posibilidadesopen up + a new territoryopen up + possibilitiesopen + possibilities .

Example: Once this step is taken it opens up a whole new territory for inquiry which may also change the nature of our conceptions of science.

Example: The new system opens up limitless possibilities to the library.

Example: Mass storage technology opens the possibility of automation for many small libraries that up until now could not afford to automate.

» abrirse a posibilidadesbe open to possibilities .

Example: Receptiveness means being open to possibilities to grow and move forward.

» alcanzar el límite de + Posesivo + posibilidadesreach + the limits of + Posesivo + potential .

Example: The book reached the limits of its potential as an information carrier long ago and libraries unfortunately allowed themselves to become tethered by those limitations.

» al máximo de sus posibilidadesto its full extent .

Example: The only way to success is by recognizing the strength of the individual, developing it and exploiting it to its full extent.

» analizar la posibilidad de (que)examine + the possibility that/of .

Example: The author examines the possibility that increased traffic load may bring the information superhighway to a grinding halt.

» analizar las posibilidades delook at + the prospects for .

Example: The author looks at the prospects for this version being accepted as an official standard.

» analizar una posibilidadexplore + an idea .

Example: Cosmologists have begun exploring the idea that the evolution of the universe is cyclic = Los cosmólogos han comenzado a analizar la posibilidad de que la evolución del universo es cíclica.

» ante la posibilidad deat the prospect of .

Example: I was excited at the prospect of working at the heart of the international library community, but daunted by the challenges I imagined.

» anular las posibilidadesclose off + possibilities .

Example: One wants to keep one's position open and encouraging by an intonation that conveys interest and support; avoid closing off any possibilities.

» anular una posibilidadblock off + alley .

Example: They come in and you say simply, 'Well, that blocks off this alley; let's look for another'.

» aprovechar al máximo las posibilidadesrealise + the potential .

Example: What do we have to do to realize the potential of digital libraries? = ¿Qué debemos hacer para aprovechar al máximo las posibilidades que nos ofrecen las bibliotecas digitales?.

» aprovechar las posibilidades de Algoachieve + Posesivo + full potentialdevelop + a potentialdevelop + Nombre + to its full potential .

Example: Until this preference is shifted to on-line full text retrieval, the data base industry will achieve only a fraction of its full potential.

Example: A first step for developing this potential could be regular meetings organised by the library for professionals working with the aged.

Example: In the future, when videotex is developed to its full potential, deaf people will be able to use it to transmit messages person-to-person simply and rapidly.

» aprovechar las posibilidades que nos ofreceharness + the power of .

Example: The author presents seven ways of harnessing the power of the computer to solve the problem of searching for articles in periodicals.

» aprovechar + Posesivo + posibilidadesachieve + Posesivo + potential .

Example: A new year is coming, students who fail to plan will lengthen the odds of achieving their potential.

» aumentar las posibilidadesincrease + the odds .

Example: Moreover, the results indicate that lowering insurance premiums by$100 can increase the odds of employment by 4 percentage points.

» barajar la posibilidadentertain + the possibility .

Example: Since the early 1990s social scientists have been entertaining the possibility that globalization leads to polarization, that somehow the divide between the haves and the have-nots has been widening.

» burlarse de la posibilidad descoff at + the idea ofscoff at + the thought ofscoff at + the possibility ofsneer at + the possibility ofsneer at + the thought ofsneer at + the idea of .

Example: While critics have, for decades, scoffed at the idea of flying cars, that attitude is beginning to change.

Example: Before you scoff at the thought of New Year's resolutions, let's all admit that we want to stay healthy and improve our quality of life.

Example: Politicians who scoffed at the possibility of a Trump presidency and withheld their support are now singing a different tune.

Example: While some sneer at the possibility of Michigan's red wines, others are convinced of their potential and are ready to prove it to the world.

Example: They are the people who sneer at the thought of eating at a fast-food joint.

Example: He sneered at the idea of global warming and said there are more significant issues that require governments' attention.

» como otra posibilidadas an alternative .

Example: The classification for Law compiled by E Moys has been suggested as an alternative.

» con posibilidades comercialescommercially viable .

Example: The fact that information is becoming recognized as being a commercially viable product puts a keener edge on LIS professional activities.

» considerar la posibilidadentertain + the possibility .

Example: Since the early 1990s social scientists have been entertaining the possibility that globalization leads to polarization, that somehow the divide between the haves and the have-nots has been widening.

» considerar las posibilidades de Algoconsider + possibilities .

Example: The user must consider all the possibilities.

» contemplar la posibilidadtoy withtoy with + idea ofentertain + the possibility .

Example: For some years people have toyed with the pleasing vision of the end-user in need of information turning to his terminal and running off any search in 5 minutes, with total recall and splendid precision.

Example: I've tried using special characters and underline, and I've toyed with the idea of creating some graphic images.

Example: Since the early 1990s social scientists have been entertaining the possibility that globalization leads to polarization, that somehow the divide between the haves and the have-nots has been widening.

» contemplar la posibilidad de suicidarsecontemplate + suicide .

Example: Preliminary analyses show that married women sometimes feel that they are losing their mind and that they have contemplated suicide.

» contemplar posibilidadesenvision + possibilities .

Example: Selected literary texts help young people envision the possibilities of peace.

» crear posibilidadesopen + windowcreate + possibilities .

Example: Such strategies may open a window where non existed before.

Example: The Internet and digital technology create new possibilities for the development of cultures, education, communities and knowledge.

» dar risa la posibilidad delaugh at + the thought oflaugh at + the idea oflaugh at + the possibility of .

Example: My friends and I laughed at the thought of Trump ever becoming president -- but now it's our reality.

Example: Epilepsy was originally thought to be due to demonic possession -- just 25 years ago, doctors still laughed at the idea that epilepsy had a genetic basis.

Example: Sarah laughs at the possibility of motherhood because her biological clock stopped ticking long ago.

» dar una posibilidadafford + an opportunity .

Example: One of the opportunities which membership of the European Community (EC) affords the United Kingdom (UK) is access to a wide variety of grants and soft loans.

» dejar abierta la posibilidad de queleave + open the possibility that .

Example: The notion of interests is far subtler than many have realized, and leaves open the possibility that cooperativeness may be adaptive, virtuous, and a good thing .

» dentro de las posibilidades económicas dewithin the price range of .

Example: CD-ROM systems are within the price range of many libraries considering in-house retrieval systems.

» dentro de + Posesivo + posibilidadesin the ballpark for + Pronombrein + Posesivo + ballpark rangewithin + Posesivo + possibilities .

Example: We had a pretty tight budget but Spector 360 was in the ballpark for us and we felt it was way above all the others when it came to features and benefits.

Example: And when Craft gave us his estimate, it was right in our ballpark range.

Example: She would always help who ever needed it, if it was within her possibilities.

» desarrollar las posibilidadeslive up to + Posesivo + potential .

Example: Historically, on-line searching has not lived up to its potential because of hardware and software limitations = Históricamente, la búsqueda línea no ha estado a la altura de sus posibilidades debido a limitaciones de hardware y software.

» desarrollar + Posesivo + posibilidadesfulfil + Posesivo + potential .

Example: To fulfil their potential, librarians must articulate and act upon a vision that involves them more fully in the work of faculty, researchers, and medical practitioners.

» disminuir la posibilidadlessen + possibility .

Example: This saves clients' time in running around and lessens the possibility of them 'dropping out'.

» ener posibilidadeshave + a fighting chance .

Example: At least British criminals deported to Australia had a fighting chance of reforming their lives.

» estar abierto a otras posibilidadeskeep + Posesivo + options openleave + Posesivo + options open .

Example: She is keen to become a mother but is keeping her options open about when or how she might do it.

Example: Eventually, she would like to return to Montana, but for now she is leaving her options open for wherever her career path takes her.

» estar a la altura de las posibilidadeslive up to + Posesivo + potential .

Example: Historically, on-line searching has not lived up to its potential because of hardware and software limitations = Históricamente, la búsqueda línea no ha estado a la altura de sus posibilidades debido a limitaciones de hardware y software.

» estar colmado de posibilidadesbrim with + potential .

Example: Africa as a continent is brimming with potential, a place that has so much just waiting to be grasped.

» estar dentro de las posibilidades de unolie within + Posesivo + power .

Example: He must assure himself that he has indeed eliminated every possibility that lies within his power before concluding that he has indeed drawn a blank.

» estar fuera de las posibilidades de Alguienbe out of + Posesivo + league .

Example: Every leader faces them: times when they are out of their league, times when they feel like a fish out of water.

» estar lleno de posibilidadesbrim with + potential .

Example: Africa as a continent is brimming with potential, a place that has so much just waiting to be grasped.

» estar por encima de + Posesivo + posibilidadesbe above + Posesivo + head .

Example: There is so much happening in the world today that I want to talk about with my children, but they are still young and some of it is above their heads = Hay tantas cosas que están pasando en el mundo hoy día y que me gustaría comentar con mis hijos, pero son pequeños todavía y algunas cosas les resultan difícl de entender.

» estudiar la posibilidadexplore + the possibility .

Example: We are also exploring the possibility, with our sister organization in the US, of producing a joint issue possibly on the theme of how the so-called 'war on terror' is affecting library and information services.

» estudiar una posibilidadexplore + an idea .

Example: Cosmologists have begun exploring the idea that the evolution of the universe is cyclic = Los cosmólogos han comenzado a analizar la posibilidad de que la evolución del universo es cíclica.

» examinar la posibilidad de (que)examine + the possibility that/of .

Example: The author examines the possibility that increased traffic load may bring the information superhighway to a grinding halt.

» existir la posibilidad dethere + be + scope for .

Example: There is nevertheless some scope in some African countries for the exploitation of basic information technologies for such actitivies as the internal husbanding and sharing of decision-making data.

» existir la posibilidad de quethere + be + room for .

Example: There is room for everyone to profit from academic software - both in royalties from sales and intellectually.

» fuera del alcance de las posibilidades de Alguienbeyond + Posesivo + powers .

Example: We desperately want a place in the sun, yet the place we ought to occupy seems perpetually beyond our powers to focus.

» haber muchas posibilidadesthere + be + a good chance .

Example: If she makes it for a year without a relapse, there's a good chance she'll be home free.

» haber muy poca(s) posibilidad(es) de quethere + be + a slim chance thatthere + be + a faint chance that .

Example: But there was a slim chance that Kyle the perpetually smarmy had actually heard something useful.

Example: The forecast was not very encouraging, yet there was a faint chance that there could be a little break in the gloomy weather in the afternoon.

» haber (una) escasa(s) posibilidad(es) de quethere + be + a slim chance thatthere + be + a faint chance that .

Example: But there was a slim chance that Kyle the perpetually smarmy had actually heard something useful.

Example: The forecast was not very encouraging, yet there was a faint chance that there could be a little break in the gloomy weather in the afternoon.

» haber (una) leve(s) posibilidad(es) de quethere + be + a slim chance thatthere + be + a faint chance that .

Example: But there was a slim chance that Kyle the perpetually smarmy had actually heard something useful.

Example: The forecast was not very encouraging, yet there was a faint chance that there could be a little break in the gloomy weather in the afternoon.

» haber (una) remota(s) posibilidad(es) de quethere + be + a slim chance thatthere + be + a faint chance that .

Example: But there was a slim chance that Kyle the perpetually smarmy had actually heard something useful.

Example: The forecast was not very encouraging, yet there was a faint chance that there could be a little break in the gloomy weather in the afternoon.

» haber (una) vaga(s) posibilidad(es) de quethere + be + a slim chance thatthere + be + a faint chance that .

Example: But there was a slim chance that Kyle the perpetually smarmy had actually heard something useful.

Example: The forecast was not very encouraging, yet there was a faint chance that there could be a little break in the gloomy weather in the afternoon.

» hacer realidad las posibilidades de Algounleash + Posesivo + potential .

Example: For any technology to achieve its true potential, there must be a fundamental shift to open standards that unleashes its full potential.

» hacer reír la posibilidad delaugh at + the thought oflaugh at + the idea oflaugh at + the possibility of .

Example: My friends and I laughed at the thought of Trump ever becoming president -- but now it's our reality.

Example: Epilepsy was originally thought to be due to demonic possession -- just 25 years ago, doctors still laughed at the idea that epilepsy had a genetic basis.

Example: Sarah laughs at the possibility of motherhood because her biological clock stopped ticking long ago.

» hasta el límite de + Posesivo + posibilidadesto + Posesivo + full potentialto + Posesivo + full capacity .

Example: Cabot, disappointingly, does not flesh out this gimmick to its full potential.

Example: She decided that since she had been given a second chance at life she would use every second to live life to her full capacity.

» hasta el máximo de + Posesivo + posibilidadesto + Posesivo + full potentialto + Posesivo + full capacity .

Example: Cabot, disappointingly, does not flesh out this gimmick to its full potential.

Example: She decided that since she had been given a second chance at life she would use every second to live life to her full capacity.

» incluir todas las posibilidadesrun + the gamut .

Example: The elements to be included are fairly well standardized, but the order of presentation can run the gamut and is usually an individual choice of the abstracting agency.

» ir más allá de las posibilidades de Alguienbe beyond + Posesivo + capabilities .

Example: Many people stand in awe of 'classification', believing it to be a skill completely beyond their capabilities.

» las posibilidades son infinitasthe possibilities are endless .

Example: The possibilities are endless, your imagination is the limit, but make sure that your handiwork is flawless.

» las posibilidades son muy remotaschances are one in a million .

Example: Statistically, chances are one in a million that a mother gives birth to genetically identical triplets.

» mejorar + Posesivo + posibilidadesup + Posesivo + odds .

Example: Humans may be born with a fear of spiders and snakes, healthy phobias that up the odds of survival in the wild.

» mofarse de la posibilidad descoff at + the idea ofscoff at + the thought ofscoff at + the possibility ofsneer at + the possibility ofsneer at + the thought ofsneer at + the idea of .

Example: While critics have, for decades, scoffed at the idea of flying cars, that attitude is beginning to change.

Example: Before you scoff at the thought of New Year's resolutions, let's all admit that we want to stay healthy and improve our quality of life.

Example: Politicians who scoffed at the possibility of a Trump presidency and withheld their support are now singing a different tune.

Example: While some sneer at the possibility of Michigan's red wines, others are convinced of their potential and are ready to prove it to the world.

Example: They are the people who sneer at the thought of eating at a fast-food joint.

Example: He sneered at the idea of global warming and said there are more significant issues that require governments' attention.

» mostrar posibilidadesshow + potential .

Example: It was observed that this type of string showed potential for alphabetical index headings.

» no caber la menor posibilidad dethere + be + no way .

Example: There's no way I could attend the conference over the big pond from the UK.

» no descartar ninguna posibilidadkeep + Posesivo + options openleave + Posesivo + options open .

Example: She is keen to become a mother but is keeping her options open about when or how she might do it.

Example: Eventually, she would like to return to Montana, but for now she is leaving her options open for wherever her career path takes her.

» no tener ni la más mínima posibilidadnot to have a prayer .

Example: As the bills piled up and the little money she had dried up, friends and neighbors began to worry that she didn't have a prayer.

» no tener ni la más remota posibilidadnot to have a prayer .

Example: As the bills piled up and the little money she had dried up, friends and neighbors began to worry that she didn't have a prayer.

» no tener posibilidadesbe dead meatbe a dead man/woman (walking) .

Example: I think we have some chance to get Friday in, but Saturday is dead meat without any doubt whatsoever and Sunday is pretty iffy.

Example: Probst thought he'd last longer, but I knew he was a dead man walking the minute he showed up.

» oferta de posibilidadeschoice range .

Example: Your choice range will be between going for a foam mattress or a spring mattress.

» ofrecer (grandes) posibilidades parahold + (great) potential for .

Example: This is why it holds such potential for the reference librarian.

» ofrecer la posibilidadafford + the possibilityprovide + the facility .

Example: The possibility of conducting an interactive search is afforded in a computerized information-storage and -retrieval system.

Example: Consoles would replace the conventional catalogue and would provide the facility for browsing now afforded by the open stacks.

» ofrecer la posibilidad dehave + the potential (to/for)offer + the facility .

Example: They have achieved this status because they have the potential to store a relatively large number of documents.

Example: In addition, packages offer the facility for printing title indexes to the contents of a database.

» ofrecer la posibilidad de queusher in + the day when .

Example: The adoption of ISBD will usher in the day when the entries produced in any country will readily be integrable in the catalogs of any other country.

» ofrecer posibilidadeshave + potentialoffer + optionsoffer + possibilitiespresent + possibilitiesopen (up) + avenues .

Example: The somewhat late arrival of the ROOT thesaurus in the indexing world means that its penetration will be slow, although it has great potential as a tool for standardizing indexing languages.

Example: Retrieval from a computer data base offers more options than retrieval from a printed index.

Example: There seems little doubt that electronic mail offers many possibilities for the exchange of many kinds of information.

Example: Document image management, or imaging, presents possibilities for dealing with the paper problem.

Example: The digitization of valued information resources opens up new avenues of access, use, and research and is an important aspect.

» ofrecer una posibilidadafford + an opportunity .

Example: One of the opportunities which membership of the European Community (EC) affords the United Kingdom (UK) is access to a wide variety of grants and soft loans.

» otra posibilidadas an alternative .

Example: The classification for Law compiled by E Moys has been suggested as an alternative.

» otra posibilidad esfor what it's worth [FWIW] [Abreviado a FWIW in correos electrónicos] .

Example: For what it's worth, you can greatly extend the range by using an antenna.

» otra posibilidad es quealternatively .

Example: Alternatively new subjects can be inserted by decimal subdivision.

» otra posibilidad + seranother possibility + be .

Example: Another possibility is for university libraries and campus bookshops to collaborate in offering a buy or borrow option to library users.

» perjudicar las posibilidades deprejudice + chances of .

Example: To work as a librarian is so terribly respectable that young lady trainees at library school have been known to try to keep their specialism a secret from young men so as not to prejudice their chances of acquiring boyfriends.

» permitir la posibilidadafford + the possibilityallow for .

Example: The possibility of conducting an interactive search is afforded in a computerized information-storage and -retrieval system.

Example: It also allows for and identifies three levels of detail which might be adopted in descriptive cataloguing.

» plantear la posibilidadraise + the possibility .

Example: The text raises the possibility that there might be something unwholesome in the Buddhist obsession with hell.

» plantear la posibilidad dediscuss + the possibility of .

Example: This article discusses the possibility of joint ventures, with Western companies purchasing a shareholding to give them a say in the running of Soviet organisations.

» plantear una posibilidadpose + a possibility .

Example: I know that it's still premature, but let me pose a possibility.

» por debajo de las posibilidades (de una persona)below + Posesivo + capabilities .

Example: The assistant's position frequently degenerates into a 'catch-all' position, with the assistant ending up with a number of miscellaneous odd-jobs (sometimes 'keep-busy' type jobs, well below his or her capabilities).

» por la posibilidad deat the prospect of .

Example: I was excited at the prospect of working at the heart of the international library community, but daunted by the challenges I imagined.

» posibilidad defacility for .

Example: This introduced greater facilities for synthesis.

» posibilidad de conseguir Algoattainability .

Example: Only when the required estimation of attainability is realistic can deadlines mean what is intended.

» posibilidad de desarrollopotential for development .

Example: The motivation, the potential for development, the capacity for assuming responsibility, the readiness to direct behavior toward organizational goals are all present in people.

» posibilidad de descascararseflakiness  .

Example: Among the visual attributes found to be most useful were: absorption (soaks in, sits on top), luster (shiny, dull), flakiness (doesn't flake off, flakes off), and thickness (thin, thick).

» posibilidad de descascarillarseflakiness  .

Example: Among the visual attributes found to be most useful were: absorption (soaks in, sits on top), luster (shiny, dull), flakiness (doesn't flake off, flakes off), and thickness (thin, thick).

» posibilidad de descubrirdiscoverability .

Example: This project is testing the viability of harvesting metadata, and exposing it with a search interface to enhance resource discoverability for materials that represent cultural heritage.

» posibilidad de expandirexpandability .

Example: The expandability of a terminal system is not dependent on the system but simply on the availability of terminals, and those which can be ordered.

» posibilidad de insertar hiperenlaceslinkability .

Example: Their Web based manuscript management system promises rapid peer review, multimedia content, searchability and linkability, and free access to all individuals with browsers.

» posibilidad de localizartraceability .

Example: The approach enables monitoring of contractual obligations and traceability of both documents and messages and their interrelations.

» posibilidad de pelarseflakiness  .

Example: Among the visual attributes found to be most useful were: absorption (soaks in, sits on top), luster (shiny, dull), flakiness (doesn't flake off, flakes off), and thickness (thin, thick).

» posibilidad de realizaciónpotential for fulfilment .

Example: They had lost their way; most had completely lost sight of the founders' vision, and the few who could still see it had lost their faith in its potential for fulfillment.

» posibilidad de reubicaciónrelocatability .

Example: With no other type of structure is it possible to obtain clear, widespan coverage of almost unlimited areas, translucency to permit uniform daylight, and transportability or relocatability.

» posibilidad de ser alcanzableachievability .

Example: The article 'Closing the gap between desirability and achievability' argues for a more central and integral role for the library on campus.

» posibilidad de ser comparadocomparability .

Example: In order to ensure comparability of results between the UK and Canadian studies, there will be as few as possible alterations to the tools.

» posibilidad de ser localizadotraceability .

Example: The approach enables monitoring of contractual obligations and traceability of both documents and messages and their interrelations.

» posibilidad de ser realizablesatisfiability .

Example: The satisfiability of an information model in a universe of discourse can be formally checked by complementing the information model with a representation of concrete knowledge which is assumed to be complete.

» posibilidad de ser solucionadosatisfiability .

Example: The satisfiability of an information model in a universe of discourse can be formally checked by complementing the information model with a representation of concrete knowledge which is assumed to be complete.

» posibilidad de ser usado de nuevoreusability [re-usability]  .

Example: There is a close relationship between the reusability of a design and its adaptability.

» posibilidad de toma de decisionesdecidability .

Example: The article is entitled 'Complexity, decidability and undecidability results for domain-independent planning'.

» posibilidadescapabilitiescatalogue [catalog, -USA]potentialfull potential .

Example: The format's structure is outlined together with its different components and capabilities.

Example: The arrival of the school doctor or dentist or of well-knwon personalities visiting the school - the catalogue is again endless.

Example: However, its potential in this direction became evident, and in 1966 a catalogue card service was started.

Example: There is an interesting and very relevant project under way to demonstrate the full potential of TeletexProject Hermes (the winged messenger of the gods).

» posibilidades de accesoaccess capabilities .

Example: Large central research libraries want improved access or searching capabilities most, while multilocationed libraries (public, academic, or special) want remote catalog access the most.

» posibilidades de búsquedasearching capabilitiessearchability [En la búsqueda de información, condición por la cual un instrumento hace fácil la recuperación de los registros que reúnan los requisitos establecidos en la búsqueda]retrieval facilitiessearch facilities .

Example: Large central research libraries want improved access or searching capabilities most, while multilocationed libraries (public, academic, or special) want remote catalog access the most.

Example: This could be achieved by either enhancing content representation in the records within the OPAC data base or by enhancing the searchability and browsability of the OPAC.

Example: This chapter attempts to identify the common retrieval facilities that are featured in most of these services.

Example: Search facilities are intented to cater for searching based both on controlled and natural languages.

» posibilidades de éxitoodds of success .

Example: Though the proportion of ads that 'go viral' in any meaningful way is small, it is possible to increase your odds of success.

» posibilidades de fracasoodds of failure .

Example: The higher the perceived odds of failure, the more people will be scared away.

» posibilidades de futurofuture possibilities .

Example: The business challenge is to identify future possibilities for decision-making.

» posibilidades de trabajojob prospects [Expresión generalmente usada en plural] .

Example: We should be strengthening our investments in job training to improve the job prospects of the unemployed when good jobs do become available.

» posibilidades de trabajo en el futurofuture job prospects .

Example: In looking ahead to the future, and thinking about future job prospects, it is useful to understand where we were and how we got to be where we are today.

» posibilidades de trabajo futurasfuture job prospects .

Example: In looking ahead to the future, and thinking about future job prospects, it is useful to understand where we were and how we got to be where we are today.

» posibilidades futuras de trabajofuture job prospects .

Example: In looking ahead to the future, and thinking about future job prospects, it is useful to understand where we were and how we got to be where we are today.

» posibilidades muy variadasrich possibilities .

Example: Chapter 1 provides an overview of today's reference services, suggesting the rich possibilities for applying basic professional skills.

» posibilidades + reducirse achoices + come down to .

Example: If following your heart's desire seems crazy but not following it is becoming more and more difficult, your choices come down to taking a leap of faith or living with the regret of never having tried.

» presentar posibilidadespresent + possibilitiesopen (up) + avenues .

Example: Document image management, or imaging, presents possibilities for dealing with the paper problem.

Example: The digitization of valued information resources opens up new avenues of access, use, and research and is an important aspect.

» reducir la posibilidadminimise + possibility .

Example: Thus care in indexing is essential, and systems should be designed in such a way as to minimise the possibility of error.

» reducir las posibilidades denarrow + the vision of .

Example: There are grounds for the fear that coping strategies, necessarily adopted by SLIS in the past, have seriously narrowed the vision of what will be necessary to meet the demands of the future.

» reírse de la posibilidad delaugh at + the thought oflaugh at + the idea oflaugh at + the possibility of .

Example: My friends and I laughed at the thought of Trump ever becoming president -- but now it's our reality.

Example: Epilepsy was originally thought to be due to demonic possession -- just 25 years ago, doctors still laughed at the idea that epilepsy had a genetic basis.

Example: Sarah laughs at the possibility of motherhood because her biological clock stopped ticking long ago.

» sobrepasar las posibilidades de Alguienbe beyond + Posesivo + capabilities .

Example: Many people stand in awe of 'classification', believing it to be a skill completely beyond their capabilities.

» sobrepesar las diferentes posibilidadesponder + the various possibilities .

Example: In other words, to make sense of life-situations and to make intelligent decisions when we meet them, we need to have pondered the various possibilities either before the situations arise or with speed and sureness when they arise.

» sugerir una posibilidadfloat + a possibility .

Example: Two other possibilities have been floated but not yet put into practical effect.

» tener alguna posibilidadhave + a fighting chancebe in with a fighting chance .

Example: At least British criminals deported to Australia had a fighting chance of reforming their lives.

Example: I'm very happy to be still in with a fighting chance of qualification and I know it's down to me.

» tener alguna posibilidad de triunfarhave + a fighting chancebe in with a fighting chance .

Example: At least British criminals deported to Australia had a fighting chance of reforming their lives.

Example: I'm very happy to be still in with a fighting chance of qualification and I know it's down to me.

» tener en cuenta las posibilidades de Algoconsider + possibilities .

Example: The user must consider all the possibilities.

» tener la posibilidad dehave + chancehave + the scope to/of .

Example: Usually, only appointees to small libraries have a chance to perform so many primary duties.

Example: With over 108000 employees and offices in 130 countries, Maersk has the scope to help you achieve even your most ambitious career goals.

» tener las mismas posibilidadesbe a toss-up (between... and.../whether... or not...) .

Example: Nine major forecasters all say Iowa is a toss-up, ranging anywhere from a 62 percent chance of a Clinton win to a 65 percent chance of a Trump win.

» tener muchas posibilidades debe well-positioned tobe well-placed to .

Example: Canada is well-positioned to reassert its place on the world stage as an interlocutor between the existing and emerging global powers.

Example: Libraries are also well-placed to offer desktop publishing as a resource to their readers.

» tener muchas posibilidades (de)stand + a good chance (of/to)have + a good chance (of/to) .

Example: The awful truth is that he knows that for the short term -- and seriously, that could mean years -- he stands a good chance of getting away with it.

Example: If you keep saying things are going to be bad, you have a good chance of being a prophet.

» tener pocas posibilidades dehave + little recourse .

Example: Since the cessation of production of enlarger-printers, libraries and their clienteles have had little recourse in having paper copies made from micro-opaques.

» tener posibilidadesbe in with a chancebe in with a fighting chance .

Example: However, if truth be told, the prevailing mood among the players is one of joy at still being in with a chance of qualifying.

Example: I'm very happy to be still in with a fighting chance of qualification and I know it's down to me.

» tener posibilidades (de)stand + a chance (of/to)have + a chance (to/of) .

Example: I don't see that we are going to stand a chance unless there is something very definite coming out of this conference and similar conferences where these ideas are advanced.

Example: Without language, the basic and demotic tool, no one would have a chance.

» tener presente las posibilidades de Algoconsider + possibilities .

Example: The user must consider all the possibilities.

» tener todas las posibilidades dehave + every possibility of .

Example: The library has every possibility of achieving the desired relationship of mutal benefit between itself and the community.

» tener todas las posibilidades (de)stand + a good chance (of/to)have + a good chance (of/to) .

Example: The awful truth is that he knows that for the short term -- and seriously, that could mean years -- he stands a good chance of getting away with it.

Example: If you keep saying things are going to be bad, you have a good chance of being a prophet.

» tener un cincuenta por ciento de posibilidadesbe a toss-up (between... and.../whether... or not...) .

Example: Nine major forecasters all say Iowa is a toss-up, ranging anywhere from a 62 percent chance of a Clinton win to a 65 percent chance of a Trump win.

» tomar en cuenta las posibilidades de Algoconsider + possibilities .

Example: The user must consider all the possibilities.

» trabajo sin posibilidad de promocióndead-end job .

Example: Stuck in an unexciting, dead-end job, he sees no way out and no way back to the life he used to love.

» tratar la posibilidad dediscuss + the possibility of .

Example: This article discusses the possibility of joint ventures, with Western companies purchasing a shareholding to give them a say in the running of Soviet organisations.

» una gama de posibilidadesa palette of possibilities .

Example: Like a studio, it offers a palette of possibilities and open-ended. tools for exploration and expression.

» una posibilidad muy remotaa long shot .

Example: Although an antitrust suit against the Government would certainly be called a long shot, it is indeed feasible and has a firm foundation in case law.

» ver la posibilidadsee + the possibility .

Example: Publishers began to see the possibilities in a less threatening economic light.

» vivir de acuerdo con + Posesivo + posibilidadeslive within + Posesivo + means .

Example: Even if she starts living within her means today, that doesn't mean that the debt will immediately go away.

» vivir por encima de + Posesivo + posibilidadeslive beyond + Posesivo + means .

Example: She lived beyond her means, routinely spending thousands of bucks on hair extensions and beauty treatments and throwing lavish parties for him.

Posibilidad synonyms

theory in spanish: teoría, pronunciation: θɪri part of speech: noun hypothesis in spanish: hipótesis, pronunciation: haɪpɑθəsəs part of speech: noun opening in spanish: apertura, pronunciation: oʊpənɪŋ part of speech: noun possible action in spanish: posible acción, pronunciation: pɑsəbəlækʃən part of speech: noun possibleness in spanish: posibilidad, pronunciation: pɑsəbəlnəs part of speech: noun
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