Poseso in english


pronunciation: pəzest part of speech: verb
In gestures

poseso = possessed. 

Example: At that time there was a general belief that a possessed person could have unusual qualities such as superhuman strength, ability to see the future.


» como posesoas one possessed .

Example: It was then that Steven himself began behaving like a wild beast, as one possessed, having gone totally berserk.

» como un posesoas one possessed .

Example: It was then that Steven himself began behaving like a wild beast, as one possessed, having gone totally berserk.

Poseso synonyms

berserk in spanish: enloquecido, pronunciation: bɜrsɜrk part of speech: noun, adjective amok in spanish: loco, pronunciation: əmʌk part of speech: adverb obsessed in spanish: obsesionado, pronunciation: əbsest part of speech: adjective amuck in spanish: loco, pronunciation: əmʌk part of speech: adverb demoniac in spanish: demoníaco, pronunciation: dɪmʌniæk part of speech: adjective, noun demoniacal in spanish: demoníaco, pronunciation: dɪmʌniəkəl part of speech: adjective
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