Posesión in english


pronunciation: pəzeʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

posesión = possession. 

Example: The possession of relevant documents, does not, itself, imply a match in terms of information retrieval.


» leyes que regulan la posesión de armas de fuegogun laws .

Example: Should gun laws change to make it harder for the mentally ill to buy weapons?.

» posesión de libros propiosbook ownership .

Example: Everything points to the importance of book ownership as both a reflection of, and a formative influence on, a family's attitude to reading = Todo apunta a la importancia de la posesión de libros tanto como reflejo tanto de la actitud de una familia hacia la lectura como por su influencia en la formación de la misma.

» posesión familiarfamily possession .

Example: A family possession, this grey granite finger ring has been passed down through the generations.

» posesión materialmaterial possession .

Example: Young people are exposed to adults with ill-gotten material possessions & begin to question whether personal honesty pays off in the long run.

» posesión satánicademonic possession .

Example: Epilepsy was originally thought to be due to demonic possession -- just 25 years ago, doctors still laughed at the idea that epilepsy had a genetic basis.

» tomar posesióninstall [instal, -USA] .

Example: Cairo is in uproar following President Mursi's announcement that he will rule by decree until a new parliament is installed.

» tomar posesión de un cargoswear intake + office .

Example: James Hadley Billington was sworn in as the Librarian of Congress on September 14, 1987.

Example: Successful candidates take office at the close of the conference which immediately follows the elections = Los candidatos elegidos tomarán posesión de su cargo al final del congreso que se realice tras las elecciones.

Posesión synonyms

ownership in spanish: propiedad, pronunciation: oʊnɜrʃɪp part of speech: noun monomania in spanish: monomanía, pronunciation: mɑnəmɑniə part of speech: noun
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