Portuario in english


pronunciation: pɔrt part of speech: noun
In gestures



» autoridad portuariaport authorityharbour authority .

Example: Students come with established careers or executive positions with shipping companies and port authorities.

Example: This type of radar is widely used by the mercantile marine and harbour authorities for collision avoidance.

» cargador portuariodocker  ; stevedore .

Example: This 2002 strike by dockers paralysed the transport of goods across the Pacific, leaving retailers and manufacturers short of goods and vital components.

Example: Stevedores move cargo between ship and shore, either manually or with machinery.

» ciudad portuariaport city .

Example: By the early 1700s, Glasgow had become a major port city; in 1770 the Clyde was dredged and jetties built along its banks, allowing larger vessels to dock within the city centre.

» obrero portuariolongshoreman [longshoremen, -pl.] .

Example: However, in addition to the couple of examples that Ms Marshall cited from the extant and altogether active LC subject thesaurus, there are also BUS BOYS, MAN, LUMBERMEN, LONGSHOREMEN, FISHERMEN, etc.

Portuario synonyms

interface in spanish: interfaz, pronunciation: ɪntɜrfeɪs part of speech: noun left in spanish: izquierda, pronunciation: left part of speech: adjective embrasure in spanish: alféizar, pronunciation: ɪmbrɑʒɜr part of speech: noun larboard in spanish: babor, pronunciation: lɑrbɔrd part of speech: adjective, noun porthole in spanish: porta, pronunciation: pɔrthoʊl part of speech: noun port wine in spanish: vino de Oporto, pronunciation: pɔrtwaɪn part of speech: noun
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