Portero in english


pronunciation: goʊli part of speech: noun
In gestures

portero1 = janitor ; porter ; doorman [doormen, -pl.] ; doorkeeper ; bouncer. 

Example: It presents a case study based on an actual situation which arose between the chief librarian of a public library and the library janitor, and offer 4 different views as to how the situation could have been managed.Example: Thus charwomen and porters in a university work in an institution where books are used a great deal but they themselves are highly unlikely to use them.Example: He somehow kept his head above water as a doorman at a bar and as a nightman at a slaughterhouse.Example: This is but a myth used instrumentally by delinquents to establish a position on the criminal scene -- as doorkeepers, bodyguards, money collectors or other so-called 'specialists in violence'.Example: The girl attempted to enter the club by blandishing the bouncer, yet he wasn't fazed by her excessive praise.


» cuartillo del porterojanitor's closet .

Example: The library office is in the basement, 'downstairs' as it is euphemistically referred to, along with a staff lounge, the washrooms, heating equipment, and electrical and janitor's closets.

» portero automáticointercom .

Example: The library was badly vandalised and the intruders overturned 10 large bookcases, tore paintings down, emptied catalogues, and smashed intercoms, chairs, tables and windows.

» portero de nochenightman [nightmen, -pl.] .

Example: He somehow kept his head above water as a doorman at a bar and as a nightman at a slaughterhouse.

portero2 = goalkeeper ; goalie ; goaltender. 

Example: Then in a grandstand finish the home side, on top throughout, were kept at bay by the agility of the visiting team's goalkeeper.Example: They were still slow off the blocks and didn't seem like threatening the opposite goalie.Example: The Leafs changed goaltenders and the game got a bit hairy in the closing minutes.

Portero synonyms

goalkeeper in spanish: portero, pronunciation: goʊlkipɜr part of speech: noun goaltender in spanish: portero, pronunciation: goʊltendɜr part of speech: noun netkeeper in spanish: netkeeper, pronunciation: netkipɜr part of speech: noun
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