Porte in english


pronunciation: berɪŋ part of speech: noun
In gestures

porte1 = porterage ; cartage ; haulage ; drayage. 

Example: The price includes porterage based on one suitcase per person.Example: Haulage, also called cartage or drayage, is the horizontal transport of ore, coal, supplies, and waste.Example: Haulage, also called cartage or drayage, is the horizontal transport of ore, coal, supplies, and waste.Example: Haulage, also called cartage or drayage, is the horizontal transport of ore, coal, supplies, and waste.

porte2 = set ; deportment ; bearance ; gait ; bearing ; poise. 

Example: From the way his left shoulder is tipped forward, from the set of his head and the length of his stride, one gets the feeling that he is a fully clothed sprinter just leaving the starting blocks.Example: Our deportment depends upon our dress.Example: His bearance is simple enough, he walks and moves like anyone else -- he doesn't really carry himself as superior, nor inferior to others.Example: Some physiotherapists argue that baby walkers delay independent walking, and encourage abnormal gait and posture, and urge toy libraries to exclude them from their provision.Example: Everyone looked at that man twice -- it was his manner, his bearing, the way his head was set on his shoulders.Example: But friends said yesterday her poise and control should not be misinterpreted, or held against her.

Porte synonyms

charge in spanish: cargar, pronunciation: tʃɑrdʒ part of speech: noun aim in spanish: objetivo, pronunciation: eɪm part of speech: noun, verb presence in spanish: presencia, pronunciation: prezəns part of speech: noun mien in spanish: semblante, pronunciation: min part of speech: noun carriage in spanish: carro, pronunciation: kærɪdʒ part of speech: noun posture in spanish: postura, pronunciation: pɑstʃɜr part of speech: noun productive in spanish: productivo, pronunciation: prədʌktɪv part of speech: adjective heading in spanish: título, pronunciation: hedɪŋ part of speech: noun comportment in spanish: comportamiento, pronunciation: kəmpɔrtmənt part of speech: noun heraldic bearing in spanish: rodamiento heráldico, pronunciation: herældɪkberɪŋ part of speech: noun armorial bearing in spanish: rodamiento armorial, pronunciation: ɑrmɔriəlberɪŋ part of speech: noun
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