Portazo in english


pronunciation: bæŋ part of speech: noun
In gestures

portazo = bang. 

Example: This is how the world ends, not with a bang, but with a whimper.


» cerrar de un portazoslam .

Example: He is sick of it, baffled by it and would rather repeatedly slam his pinkie finger in the door of his car than write another word of it.

» dar un portazoslam + a doorslamslam + Nombre + shut [Usado generalmente para puertas y ventanas] .

Example: On several occasions he was witness to the sights and sounds of Balzac's emotionalism, including tantrum-pitched screaming, banging fists on desks, and slamming doors.

Example: He is sick of it, baffled by it and would rather repeatedly slam his pinkie finger in the door of his car than write another word of it.

Example: In one scene, while Nancy is being chased by him, she runs into her house, spun around and slammed the door shut and bolted it closed.

Portazo synonyms

love in spanish: amor, pronunciation: lʌv part of speech: noun, verb strike in spanish: Huelga, pronunciation: straɪk part of speech: noun, verb charge in spanish: cargar, pronunciation: tʃɑrdʒ part of speech: noun bed in spanish: cama, pronunciation: bed part of speech: noun hit in spanish: golpear, pronunciation: hɪt part of speech: verb, noun know in spanish: saber, pronunciation: noʊ part of speech: verb belt in spanish: cinturón, pronunciation: belt part of speech: noun bolt in spanish: tornillo, pronunciation: boʊlt part of speech: noun flush in spanish: rubor, pronunciation: flʌʃ part of speech: noun, adjective, verb rush in spanish: prisa, pronunciation: rʌʃ part of speech: noun, verb screw in spanish: tornillo, pronunciation: skru part of speech: noun blast in spanish: explosión, pronunciation: blæst part of speech: noun kick in spanish: patada, pronunciation: kɪk part of speech: verb, noun slam in spanish: golpe, pronunciation: slæm part of speech: noun, verb smack in spanish: tortazo, pronunciation: smæk part of speech: noun, verb thrill in spanish: emoción, pronunciation: θrɪl part of speech: noun hump in spanish: joroba, pronunciation: hʌmp part of speech: noun bash in spanish: golpetazo, pronunciation: bæʃ part of speech: noun, verb knock in spanish: golpe, pronunciation: nɑk part of speech: verb, noun smash in spanish: aplastar, pronunciation: smæʃ part of speech: verb, noun jazz in spanish: jazz, pronunciation: dʒæz part of speech: noun slap in spanish: bofetada, pronunciation: slæp part of speech: noun, verb clap in spanish: aplaudir, pronunciation: klæp part of speech: noun, verb eruption in spanish: erupción, pronunciation: ɪrʌpʃən part of speech: noun make out in spanish: dar a entender, pronunciation: meɪkaʊt part of speech: verb bonk in spanish: bonk, pronunciation: bɑŋk part of speech: verb slapdash in spanish: despreocupado, pronunciation: slæpdæʃ part of speech: adjective spang in spanish: Spang, pronunciation: spæŋ part of speech: verb blowup in spanish: explotar, pronunciation: bloʊəp part of speech: noun loud noise in spanish: ruido fuerte, pronunciation: laʊdnɔɪz part of speech: noun get it on in spanish: ponlo en, pronunciation: getɪtɑn part of speech: verb do it in spanish: hazlo, pronunciation: duɪt part of speech: verb lie with in spanish: mentir con, pronunciation: laɪwɪð part of speech: verb have a go at it in spanish: probarlo, pronunciation: hævəgoʊætɪt part of speech: verb be intimate in spanish: ser íntimo, pronunciation: biɪntəmət part of speech: verb have intercourse in spanish: tener relaciones sexuales, pronunciation: hævɪntɜrkɔrs part of speech: verb have it off in spanish: tenerlo apagado, pronunciation: hævɪtɔf part of speech: verb have it away in spanish: tenerlo lejos, pronunciation: hævɪtəweɪ part of speech: verb sleep with in spanish: dormir con, pronunciation: slipwɪð part of speech: verb
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