Portal in english


pronunciation: pɔrtəl part of speech: noun
In gestures

portal1 = doorway ; portal. 

Example: Heads started appearing in the doorway, muttering, 'Oh! So this is the library'.Example: As a stranger enters the portals of the library, he is not overwhelmed by the high visibility of the reference or the information desk.


» en el portalin the doorway .

Example: He stood in the doorway, blinking his eyes at the light, looking astonished but eager to do whatever was required of him.

portal2 = portal ; Web site [website] ; site ; search engine ; subject gateway ; gateway ; portal site ; gateway site ; metasite. 

Example: Portals are those Web sites which tend to be the starting points for Internet users and are the most intensively used consumer Web sites in the world.Example: Generally speaking, people who post information at Web sites intend to make it freely available.Example: However, as phone systems improve, you can expect this to change too; more and more, you'll see smaller sites (even individuals home systems) connecting to the Internet.Example: The number of World Wide Web (WWW) databases or search engines has grown rapidly = The number of World Wide Web (WWW) databases or search engines has grown rapidly.Example: Subject gateways are Internet-based services designed to help users locate 'high quality' information that is available on the Internet and consists typically of a database describing Internet resources and offering hyperlinks to them.Example: One of the roles of the local library is to act as a gateway to other information sources.Example: The author presents a view of portal sites as a radically different model from those currently embraced by traditional information companies.Example: The search engines are attempting to become portal or gateway sites, keeping visitors for longer.Example: The article 'Virtual holiday excursions' covers metasites, holiday sites, virtual travel, pleasure reading, odd ball sites, personal psychology, personal ads, and fortune telling.


» módulo de aceso de un portalportlet  .

Example: Today's portal systems allow combining access modules or 'portlets' to different information sources side by side on a single portal webpage.

» portal de InternetWeb portalInternet portalweb-based research guide .

Example: Dialog have launched a Web portal offering information professionals a high speed alternative for users who access command-based databases via telnet or third party communications.

Example: By 2002, it is estimated that the major Internet portals could be in a position so strong that they will be able to bulk buy any product or service from the lowest cost provider anywhere in the world.

Example: As indicated in the introduction, commercial vendors are already entering into this arena by auctioning reference service and producing web-based research guides.

» portales de encuentrosonline dating .

Example: Did you know that nearly 1/5 of all marriages start from online dating?.

» portal temáticosubject guidesubject portal .

Example: The library has 9 staff who, apart from serving the 1,500 visitors a month, also find time to compile subject guides to the collection.

Example: This will be achieved through the development of subject portals.

» portal verticalvortal (vertical portal) [En Internet, portal temático especializado que con frecuencia presenta todo el contenido de una institución excluyendo otros recursos similares encontrados en la red por lo que no utiliza un motor de búsqueda] .

Example: The defining characteristics of vortals (vertical portals) are their community focus on particular social or commercial sectors and the fact that they do not require a search engine to the outside world.

» portal webWeb portalWeb guide .

Example: Dialog have launched a Web portal offering information professionals a high speed alternative for users who access command-based databases via telnet or third party communications.

Example: The author examines the evaluation criteria applied to web resources selected for inclusion with reference to the digital art web guide.

» ventana de un portalportlet  .

Example: Today's portal systems allow combining access modules or 'portlets' to different information sources side by side on a single portal webpage.
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