Portador in english


pronunciation: kæriɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

portador = bearer ; bringer ; conveyor [conveyer] ; holder ; payee ; wielder. 

Example: Apart from serving as 'electronic money', smart cards are already being envisaged as identification and access control passes, bearers of personal records, encryption devices and so on = Apart from serving as 'electronic money', smart cards are already being envisaged as identification and access control passes, bearers of personal records, encryption devices and so on.Example: Little did she expect then that two years later, at the age of 30, she would be sitting in Bajalovic's office and hearing the director say, with the joy of the bringer of glad tidings: 'How would you like to be acting director of the Medical Center library?'.Example: State intervention is unnecessary and an unfettered market is both a suitable conveyor of information and provides a means for the efficient allocation of resources.Example: Each data collection form is seen as an independent information holder, irrespective of the actual data it contains.Example: A bill of exchange is a written order by the drawer to the drawee to pay money to the payee.Example: Too often we honor swagger and bluster and wielders of force; too often we excuse those who are willing to build their own lives on the shattered dreams of others.


» cheque al portadorbearer cheque .

Example: A bearer cheque is made payable to the bearer, i.e. it is payable to the person who presents it to the bank for encashment.

» documento al portadorbearer document .

Example: In Illinois, the pawn ticket is a bearer document -- it means that whoever has the physical possession of the ticket can pick up or redeem your merchandise.

» insecto portador de enfermedadinsect vector .

Example: The author reveals the close links between African ideas about the forcible extraction of vital fluids and European views about sleeping sickness, insect vectors, and deforestation.

» portador del ataúdpallbearer .

Example: Today, pallbearers are commonly needed only to carry the casket into and out of church for the funeral ceremony.

» portador del féretropallbearer .

Example: Today, pallbearers are commonly needed only to carry the casket into and out of church for the funeral ceremony.

Portador synonyms

bearer in spanish: portador, pronunciation: berɜr part of speech: noun postman in spanish: cartero, pronunciation: poʊstmən part of speech: noun toter in spanish: totero, pronunciation: toʊtɜr part of speech: noun mailman in spanish: cartero, pronunciation: meɪlmæn part of speech: noun flattop in spanish: superficie plana, pronunciation: flætəp part of speech: noun newsboy in spanish: vendedor de periódicos, pronunciation: nuzbɔɪ part of speech: noun aircraft carrier in spanish: portaaviones, pronunciation: erkræftkæriɜr part of speech: noun mail carrier in spanish: cartero, pronunciation: meɪlkæriɜr part of speech: noun common carrier in spanish: transportista común, pronunciation: kɑmənkæriɜr part of speech: noun carrier wave in spanish: onda portadora, pronunciation: kæriɜrweɪv part of speech: noun letter carrier in spanish: cartero, pronunciation: letɜrkæriɜr part of speech: noun attack aircraft carrier in spanish: portaaviones de ataque, pronunciation: ətækerkræftkæriɜr part of speech: noun
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