Porrazo in english


pronunciation: wæk part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

porrazo = knocking ; wallop ; whack ; thump ; bonk ; conk. 

Example: It seems to me that the Dewey engine is still ticking over, though there's an occasional knocking and it could no doubt do with a good tuning.Example: Winter weather arrives with a wallop.Example: Suddenly there was a loud 'whack-whack-whack' and I looked back to see the guide slapping the water with his fishing pole.Example: If your starter motor doesn't turn give it a few thumps of a hammer and try again.Example: I heard a bonk on the patio door and found this little bird stunned on the ground.Example: Think of those cartoons when a character sees stars after a conk on the head.


» aparecer de golpe y porrazocome out of + the (clear) blue (sky)appear out of + the (clear) blue (sky) .

Example: This proposal appeared to come out of the clear blue sky, and has raised eyebrows in Taiwan and overseas.

Example: It could be legit, but money does not typically appear out of the clear blue sky.

» darse un porrazocome + a cropperbonk .

Example: With the rain, the limestone rocks and stiles were very slippy and at least one of our party came a cropper.

Example: He skidded to a halt before bonking against the living room window.

» de golpe y porrazoall at oncesuddenlyunexpectedlyall of a suddenout of the (clear) blue (sky)just like that .

Example: And, all at once, the moon arouse through the thin ghastly mist, crimson in color.

Example: Then suddenly he extinguished his smile and arranged his countenance so that his listener should suppose him to be profoundly disturbed.

Example: DC has now announced that work has already begun on the expansion of the new schedule 302-307, an announcement which has not unexpectedly aroused some criticism.

Example: The process of secularization in Britain occurred all of a sudden sending Christianity on a downward spiral to the edges of social significance.

Example: The article is entitled 'Software out of the blue'.

Example: All I have to say is nothing happens just like that overnight, it takes time and exhausting waiting.

» matar a porrazosbatter + Nombre + to death .

Example: A paranoid husband battered his wife of 24 years to death with a lump hammer and then killed himself after becoming convinced she was having an affair.

Porrazo synonyms

belt in spanish: cinturón, pronunciation: belt part of speech: noun rap in spanish: rap, pronunciation: ræp part of speech: noun knock in spanish: golpe, pronunciation: nɑk part of speech: verb, noun wallop in spanish: golpe, pronunciation: wɑləp part of speech: noun wham in spanish: wham, pronunciation: wæm part of speech: verb whop in spanish: whop, pronunciation: hwɑp part of speech: verb whang in spanish: whang, pronunciation: wæŋ part of speech: noun
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