Pormenor in english


pronunciation: dɪteɪl part of speech: noun
In gestures

pormenor = issue. 

Example: These issues are reviewed more thoroughly in chapter 10.


» analizar los pormenores de una situaciónlook behind + the scene .

Example: This article looks behind the scenes at how InfoNet developed.

» conocer todos los pormenores deknow + the ins and outs of .

Example: A reputable adaptive vehicle dealer will know the ins and outs of each particular model available, and will be able to help you find the vehicle that will best suit your needs and your budget.

» los pormenores de la letra pequeñathe devil (is/lives) in the details .

Example: The article is entitled 'The devil in the details: An academic library acquires a video collection'.

» pormenoresdetailsniceties [nicety, -sing.] [Generalmente usado en plural]nitty-grittyparticularsins and outs .

Example: With minimum authorization, details of the circulation and order records are not displayed.

Example: It is therefore more important to understand the principles on which such lists are based, than to bee able to negotiate all the niceties of any particular list.

Example: My perspective, for which I make no apology, is that of someone who works daily with the nitty-gritty of cataloging, as many of you do.

Example: So, in the bicentennial spirit here's a three-point bill of particulars or grievances (in addition to what was mentioned previously with respect to offensive or unauthentic terms).

Example: The article 'The ins and outs of ISDN' discusses the advantages of Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) for increasing the access speeds of World Wide Web (WWW) applications = El artículo "Los pros y contras del ISDN" trata de las ventajas la Red Digital de Servicios Integrados (ISDN) para incrementar la velocidad de acceso de las aplicaciones web.

» pormenores, losfine detail(s)fine points, the .

Example: Although we may disagree about the fine detail, semantic relationships are the relationships between subjects, which are reasonably stable, and reflect the consensus of opinion concerning the connections between subjects.

Example: Hence, there is a need for organizations who can interpret the fine points of officialese and present them in a form the less literate can understand.

» resolver los pormenoreswork out + the details .

Example: Once approved, numerous working groups and committees, also with representatives from member states, work out the details of implementation.

Pormenor synonyms

point in spanish: punto, pronunciation: pɔɪnt part of speech: noun contingent in spanish: contingente, pronunciation: kəntɪndʒənt part of speech: adjective, noun particular in spanish: especial, pronunciation: pɜrtɪkjəlɜr part of speech: adjective item in spanish: ít, pronunciation: aɪtəm part of speech: noun
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