Por in english
pronunciation: baɪ part of speech: adverb

por = across ; along ; around ; because of ; by ; by ; down ; for the sake of ; in connection with ; in the gift of ; on account of ; on the grounds that/of ; per ; through [thru, -USA] ; times ; under ; x ; as a matter of ; out of ; through the agency of.
Example: This arrangement may facilitate browsing across different kinds of materials.Example: This means that a large number of messages can be combined together along the same line, giving economies of scales.Example: I wouldn't expect you to be detailed in your report in terms of where the bookmible would stop around town and where you'd park it.Example: This makes him feel somehow defficient and all because of his difficulty in making sense out of words in print with which his troubles began.Example: A set of government publications could be filed alphabetically by the issuing bureau, and then by title of the particular series in numerical order.Example: Micrographic and computer technologies and their integration will become increasingly efficacious as agents for change with respect to the continued existence of the traditional 75 by 125 millimeter card.Example: Some users find the format of KWIC indexes unacceptable, they find alphabetical arrangement by keywords down the centre of a page, and wrapped-round titles awkward.Example: The advocates of ISBD originally argued that it was for the sake of the computer.Example: There is an index to the schedules, but this has been criticised in connection with the size of the entry vocabulary.Example: Its notability is seen to lie in the fact that it has significantly broken the stranglehold upon postgraduate studentships in the gift of the Science and Engineering Research Council.Example: Partly on account of the variety of bases for coverage there is significant overlap between the assortment of abstracting and indexing services.Example: AACR2 has been criticised on the grounds that it does not identify the cataloguing unit to which the rules refer.Example: Indexing can thus be achieved at a detailed level, with often many terms per document, with almost no indexing effort.Example: The contributions are input to the data base, then referred and any suggestion made by the referee are communicated through the data base to the editor.Example: 4 days times 30 cents per day = 120 cents.Example: One of the outcomes of entry under title has been the proliferation of serials titles.Example: Card catalogues or indexes comprise a set of cards often 5x3 inches (122x72 mm), with each entry on a separate card.Example: Most drivers stop at stop signs: Some do under duress -- there may be a policeman concealed in nearby bushes, others as a matter of prudence -- a fast car with the right of way can be injurious.Example: But these and other interested people collected this type of books out of a mixture of curiosity and sentiment.Example: This article argues that critical thinking, a long sought after goal in the US educational system, may be taught efficiently through the agency of library use instructions within the college environment.more:
» actuar por impulso = act on + impulse .
Example: Thieves detected by a security system seem to be largely acting on impulse, or absent-minded or trying to beat the system for sport.» aprendizaje por medio del ordenador = computer-based learning (CBL) .
Example: This article discusses the use of computer-based learning (CBL) for library user education and staff training.» aunque por otro lado = but otherwise .
Example: Control is exercised over which terms are used, but otherwise the terms are ordinary words.» búsqueda por medio de menús = menu-assisted searching .
Example: However, to ease the transition from menu-assisted searching to command search, most of the menus from Easy Menu Search can be accessed in Command Search via function keys.» coger por sorpresa = catch out .
Example: Some search statements are so obscure that they would catch out the uninstructed.» Día + por la tarde = late + Día .
Example: This tour is intended especially for delegates returning home late Saturday.» digamos por ejemplo = let us say .
Example: The owner of the memex, let us say, is interested in the origin and properties of the bow and arrow.» dominar por completo = sweep + the board .
Example: It has obtained a quota of twelve awards in an area where purely technologically-based programmes are used to sweeping the board.» encontrar por casualidad = come across .
Example: In a jumble of old papers I recently came across the photograph of a young man striding through a classroom door.» encuadernación por encargo = bespoke binding [Encuadernación hecha a medida de las especificaciones del propietario del libro como opuesta a la encuadernación comercial que recibe normalmente el libro] .
Example: Only fine bespoke bindings, which were of course produced separately from the books they covered, continued to develop during the seventeenth century in the quality of their design and execution.» error por omisión = omission failure .
Example: There are plenty of omission failures of this sort, and they litter most of the Hennepin County Library Cataloging Bulletins.» estar por delante de = be ahead of .
Example: Now it seems that museums are ahead of libraries.» hecho por encargo = bespoke .
Example: The software package 'MULTITRIEVE 2' was developed as a means of producing bespoke information retrieval systems.» introducir por primera vez = pioneer .
Example: Icons, or pictorial representations of objects in systems, were pioneered by Xerox.» ir por delante de la competencia = be ahead of the game ; stay ahead of + the competition ; stay ahead of + the curve ; stay ahead of + the game ; stay ahead of + the pack ; be ahead of the pack ; be ahead of the competition ; be ahead of the curve .
Example: The article is entitled 'Ahead of the game: developing academic library staff for the 21st century'. Example: E-commerce solutions are the gospel for success today and to stay ahead of the competition. Example: The article 'Staying ahead of the curve' presents listings of guidebooks and other travel tools for the coming tourist season. Example: As marketers, we pride ourselves on coming up with fresh ideas and that's how we stay ahead of the game. Example: Overall labor productivity in the country will continue to grow if the very best companies continue to stay ahead of the pack. Example: Radio Mirchi continues to top the daily listenership charts in Delhi, and is also ahead of the pack in Kolkata, the company said in a statement. Example: Those who act promptly, who do it now, are ahead of the competition and attract fewer critics, enemies, and naysayers. Example: Companies that are ahead of the curve tend to make greater progress in digital transformation and have seen greater returns.» leer por encima = browse [Hojear u ojear material bibliográfico] .
Example: This arrangement may facilitate browsing across different kinds of materials.» llamar por teléfono = call up .
Example: But even now if somebody would answer, you could call up on the telephone and ask somebody to look it up for you.» muy por encima de todo = over and above all .
Example: Over and above all this and the book's most subtle feature is the novel's metaphoric nature.» no haber forma/manera/modo de veriguar/conocer/saber por qué = there + be + no telling why .
Example: Sometimes her back was okay in the morning, sometimes it was not, there was no telling why and how.» Nombre + por primera vez = Nombre + ever .
Example: I sometimes imagine that the first article on the high costs of cataloging was written as the first book, ever, was being cataloged.» no saberse por qué = there + be + no telling why .
Example: Sometimes her back was okay in the morning, sometimes it was not, there was no telling why and how.» ordenado por fecha = in date order .
Example: The slips for items in stock should be separated from the rest, those for books rearranged in class number order, those for periodicals in date order.» pasar por alto = bypass [by-pass] ; skip over ; pass + Nombre/Pronombre + by .
Example: She repeatedly bypassed the catalog because she was an inveterate fiction reader and approached the A section of the fiction shelf expecting to find Sholom Aleichem under ALEICHEM. Example: If this is the first time you are using DOBIS/LIBIS the field for your password is empty and you should skip over it by pressing the tabulator key once again. Example: The revolution of information technology is passing many developing countries by and the information gap between haves and have-nots is widening.» pongamos por ejemplo = let us say .
Example: The owner of the memex, let us say, is interested in the origin and properties of the bow and arrow.» por acabar = uncompleted .
Example: This guide is organised along the steps involved in buying uncompleted private residential properties from licensed housing developers.» por accidente = accidentally .
Example: As has been suggested elsewhere in this book, it is axiomatic that regular backup copies of data disks be taken, in order to ensure that data are not accidentally lost.» por adelantado = advance ; in advance (of) ; up-front [up front] .
Example: The object of CIP is to provide advance information of forthcoming British books. Example: CIP is intended to facilitate the selection and ordering of materials by alerting librarians and others to forthcoming works in advance of their publication. Example: This article presents useful low cost options for on-line data base searching that allow even small libraries to offer searching without large up-front costs or ongoing investment.» por ahí = out there ; (out) in the wild .
Example: How she ached to be a poet and by some wizardry of pen capture the mysteries going on out there. Example: The amount of information out in the wild on dieting versus training is nuts and the amount of people advising me of the percentage of 80% diet and 20% workout is even wilder.» por ahí van las cosas = or something of that nature ; or something of that sort ; or something to that effect ; or something like that .
Example: If you are trying to break up a cat fight or something to that nature pick it up by the scruff of the neck. Example: Fidgety people are rarely well, they have generally `a headache,' or `spasms,' or `nerves,' or something of that sort. Example: Like Tolstoy said: man has no effect on history...or something to that effect. Example: Anyone found guilty of having an annoying ring tone should be sentenced to several years of hard labour, breaking rocks in a quarry or something like that.» por ahí van los tiros = or something of that nature ; or something of that sort ; or something to that effect ; or something like that .
Example: If you are trying to break up a cat fight or something to that nature pick it up by the scruff of the neck. Example: Fidgety people are rarely well, they have generally `a headache,' or `spasms,' or `nerves,' or something of that sort. Example: Like Tolstoy said: man has no effect on history...or something to that effect. Example: Anyone found guilty of having an annoying ring tone should be sentenced to several years of hard labour, breaking rocks in a quarry or something like that.» por ahora = as of right now ; as yet ; at present ; at the moment ; at this point ; for the present ; for the time being ; just yet ; for now ; at this time ; as of now ; at the present ; by now ; for the nonce ; currently ; at the minute ; for the moment .
Example: But, as of right now, despite all of the interest, I do not know of a library relying exclusively on an online catalog. Example: A second objective of union catalogues -- to make library resources available when and where they are needed -- has not then as yet been fully achieved. Example: A number of libraries are at present involved in the conversion of their traditional card catalogues. Example: Further, changes in the external world serve to render judgments, valid at the moment, wrong at best, and detrimental to the effectiveness of the catalog at worst. Example: At this point the user can enter a number or an 'o' for system, in which case the system will assign the borrower number. Example: For the present it is sufficient to note that, as aids to the retrieval of documents, they have the following advantages over shelf arrangement. Example: Authorities for subject headings were excluded for the time being from the scope of the Working Group tasks. Example: We shall not pursue this topic any further just yet. Example: But for now, having fun and feeling famous will do quite well enough. Example: Even though both projects are building of the Cornell software and experience, they have encountered the usual delays associated with new technologies, so no significant information is available at this time. Example: As of now, more than 634,000 LC records for monographs, serials, films, and maps are in MARC form. Example: At present, the library board consists of: a housewife, who is serving as chairwoman, a stockbroker, a retired head of the health department, an owner of a hardware store, and an attorney = En la actualidad, la comisión de biblioteca consta de un ama de casa, que actúa de presidenta, un agente de bolsa, un director del departamento de sanidad jubilado, el propietario de una ferretería y un abogado. Example: It will be evident by now that the microcomputer market is a complex place. Example: Nonce is a curious fossil word, occurring only in the single phrase 'for the nonce'. Example: Currently, online document request services are possible, but this is not usually a feature of the facilities of any but the largest co-operatives. Example: All of the wheel arches have started to rust but it's just surface rust at the minute. Example: For the moment, he was safe but there was no telling how long that would last.» por ahora todo va bien = so far, so good .
Example: So far, so good.» por alguna extraña razón = for some odd reason ; for some bizarre reason .
Example: For some odd reason in our society today it's not what we know but who we know that makes us known. Example: For some bizarre reason, people freak out about Ancient Greek accentuation and especially about the accentuation of enclitics.» por alguna misteriosa razón = for some odd reason ; for some bizarre reason .
Example: For some odd reason in our society today it's not what we know but who we know that makes us known. Example: For some bizarre reason, people freak out about Ancient Greek accentuation and especially about the accentuation of enclitics.» por alguna rara razón = for some odd reason ; for some bizarre reason .
Example: For some odd reason in our society today it's not what we know but who we know that makes us known. Example: For some bizarre reason, people freak out about Ancient Greek accentuation and especially about the accentuation of enclitics.» por alguna razón = for some reason ; for whatever reason .
Example: The 'Recover Data Index' utility attempts to reconstruct a data diskette that for some reason has become unreadable to the system. Example: For whatever reason, Shera chose to disparage rather than to take seriously the substance of Briet's ideas.» por alguna razón desconocida = for some unknown reason .
Example: For some unknown reason, success usually occurs in private, while failure occurs in full view.» por algún motivo = for whatever reason .
Example: For whatever reason, Shera chose to disparage rather than to take seriously the substance of Briet's ideas.» por algún tiempo = for sometime .
Example: This is something we've been considering for sometime in the British Library.» por allí = nearby [near-by] .
Example: An earlier leakage had prompted library staff to make arrangements with a nearby firm of book conservation specialists in the event of a further disaster.» por amor al arte = (just) for the fun of (doing) it ; (just) for the hell of (doing) it ; (just) for the sake of it ; (just) for the devil of it .
Example: Last week, I decided to collect as many sarcastic and funny remarks as I could, just for the fun of it. Example: The article is entitled 'A Marshland index - or ìndexing for the hell of it'. Example: When they started to eff and blind just for the sake of it, I felt they lost the plot a bit. Example: He would steal from the hawkers just for the devil of it, raising a hullabaloo in the dense, crowded streets.» por analogía = by analogy .
Example: The difference between the two systems can be illustrated by analogy with a set of letter-boxes located in the entrance to an apartment block, with one box for each resident.» por anticipado = in advance (of) .
Example: CIP is intended to facilitate the selection and ordering of materials by alerting librarians and others to forthcoming works in advance of their publication.» por antonomasia = quintessential ; unique ; par excellence ; quintessentially .
Example: The article 'Winsor: the quintessential librarian' describes the many major contributions Winsor made to development and expansion of American libraries. Example: The basic requirement of a shelf arrangement system is that each document has a unique place in the sequence. Example: Harris was a librarian par excellence, whose imprint will become indelible in the history of Nigerian librarianship. Example: They were associated with what was understood as the eccentric but quintessentially English love of mimesis.» por añadidura = in addition (to) ; on top of everything (else) ; to boot ; on top of all of this .
Example: In addition to the full edition, there exist abridged and medium editions of the scheme. Example: On top of everything else, these corporations sponsor 'scientific' studies where their product is pitted against a worse convenience product. Example: Such information will soon be replete with the requisite illustrations and, if need be, with sound explanations to boot. Example: when I mention any of this to him he pretends not to know what I am talking about because, on top of all this, he's a real tease.» por aquel entonces = at the time ; about that time ; by this time ; by then ; by this point ; by that point .
Example: At the time, it was a startling accomplishment and gained wide recognition. Example: About that time, the council as one of their austerity measures had issued a moratorium on all hiring except for 'absolutely essential services'. Example: By this time society could not tolerate anything which allowed the unlimited spread of knowledge for fear that it would upset the class system upon which the modern methods of mass production depended. Example: By then, in Britain, less than 10 universities had post-war libraries. Example: By this point it was close to midnight and I decided to call it a night. Example: I arrived around 2pm so the lunch rush had slowed down by that point.» por aquí = around here ; nearby [near-by] ; round here ; hereabout(s) .
Example: And how in heaven's name will we get any work done around here if we have to worry about grievance hearings, to say nothing of the grievant being in the same building. Example: An earlier leakage had prompted library staff to make arrangements with a nearby firm of book conservation specialists in the event of a further disaster. Example: It was interesting, in view of the received opinion that 'We don't have many problems round here'. Example: I agree yet there are still those hereabouts who think he would be a great NYC mayor.» por aquí cerca = hereabout(s) .
Example: I agree yet there are still those hereabouts who think he would be a great NYC mayor.» por aquí y por allí = hanging about .
Example: Many of us still have some of those big, old floppy disks hanging about with data we can no longer read because we no longer have the hardware to read them.» por armonía con = in sympathy with .
Example: Men really do suffer pregnancy symptoms in sympathy with their partners, a study has shown.» por así decir = as it were .
Example: Putting books on show is a way of making recommendations by, as it were, remote control.» por atrás = astern ; from behind .
Example: In addition, a towboat without barges in front of it may be towing astern with the towline submerged -- so stay clear! . Example: Scrambling to her feet gave him the chance to bunt her from behind, and down she sprawled upon her face.» por boca de = by word of mouth [Información que se obtiene por transmisión oral] .
Example: Contributors may be informed of standards to which they are expected to adhere either by word of mouth or through the agency of formal written instructions.» por bondad = out of the goodness of + Posesivo + heart .
Example: The article is titled 'Out of the fire and into the frying pan'.» por buena dirección = a step in the right direction .
Example: However, revenues to publishers from photocopying articles are not yet sufficient to compensate for lost revenue from the decline in circulation of established journals but are, luckily, seen as a step in the right direction.» por buen camino = a step in the right direction .
Example: However, revenues to publishers from photocopying articles are not yet sufficient to compensate for lost revenue from the decline in circulation of established journals but are, luckily, seen as a step in the right direction.» por cabeza = per person .
Example: All prices are per person, double occupancy, subject to availability.» por cable = wireline ; corded .
Example: Existing wireline networks, with their ubiquity, seamless operations, and ease of use, have provided clear benchmarks for satisfying customers' basic personal communications needs. Example: There are basically three options when buying a string trimmer: gas powered, corded electric or cordless electric.» por caminos apartados = off-road .
Example: Experience the thrill of rock climbing, mud crawling and off-road adventure in Hot Springs, Arkansas.» por capas = multilayered [multi-layered/multi layered] ; layered ; tiered .
Example: The idea of tiered, or multilayered, citation is proposed as a means of testing this hypothesis = Se propone la idea de citar de una forma estratificada o por niveles para comprobar esta hipótesis. Example: GMMA has developed a layered approach to visual indexing that dissects the objects, style and implication of each image, so that the indexing system can accommodate all potential approaches to the material. Example: The idea of tiered, or multilayered, citation is proposed as a means of testing this hypothesis = Se propone la idea de citar de una forma estratificada o por niveles para comprobar esta hipótesis.» por capricho = by whim .
Example: Most everything that they do is done by force of habit rather than by instinct (as animals do) or by conscious decision or by whim.» por carretera = by road .
Example: London City Airport is easily accessible by road.» por casualidad = by chance ; coincidentally ; fortuitously ; by accident ; by happenstance ; happen to + Infinitivo ; chance to + Infinitivo ; accidentally ; by a fluke ; by luck ; by a stroke of (good) luck ; as luck would have it [Con sentido positivo o negativo dependiendo del contexto] ; as fate would have it [Con sentido positivo o negativo dependiendo del contexto] ; perchance .
Example: If, by chance, the newly entered item is identical to one already in the file, DOBIS/LIBIS ignores the new entry. Example: Ironically, the latter proved to be the most vulnerable and acutely criticized of Panizzi's rules, as, coincidentally, are the corresponding AACR rules. Example: On one of them, fortuitously, there was a note entered by the cataloger which said, 'Usually published under the title American Scholar'. Example: Discoveries are sometimes made by accident; they are never made by the dismayed or disheartened = A veces los descubrimientos se hacen por casualidad y nunca por los abatidos o los desmotivados. Example: To date, the replacement of old technologies by new technologies has occurred largely by happenstance. Example: So far we have only provided for the user who happens to consult the A/Z subject index under the term 'Conservative'. Example: During a trip to Italy, he chanced to see a production of Cavalleria = Durante un viaje que hizo a Italia, de casualidad vió una producción de Cavalleria. Example: As has been suggested elsewhere in this book, it is axiomatic that regular backup copies of data disks be taken, in order to ensure that data are not accidentally lost. Example: The study revealed that most of the deformities are caused by a fluke. Example: Machiavelli insisted that the Prince be aware that he was Prince mostly by luck and his job was to never admit it. Example: The stream suddenly swept him away, and it was only by a stroke of luck that they found him. Example: Today seemed like any other day under the blue skies of the tradewinds until, as luck would have it, his paddle broke. Example: As fate would have it, I wasn't pregnant, but I would have accepted and loved this child with all my heart. Example: He who deliberately kills another without provocation, shall lose his life, unless he be able to prove his innocence of said crime; and if perchance he escape, let him never return.» por categorías = classified ; categorised [categorized, -USA] .
Example: Each yearbook contains a classified list by profession/occupation. Example: Thesauri often boast an additional explicit statement of the structure of the relationships between terms in the form of categorised lists or displays.» por causas desconocidas = of unknown intent .
Example: Injuries were categorized as unintentional, intentional, or of unknown intent.» por cesárea = Caesarean [Cesarean, -USA] [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que contienen esta secuencia de vocales en inglés británico y que se reduce a -e- en inglés americano] .
Example: She was rushed back into hospital in severe pain, caused by an infection from the scar on her Caesarean wound.» por chiripa = by chance ; by a fluke ; by luck ; by a stroke of (good) luck ; fluk(e)y [flukier -comp., flukiest -sup.] ; jammy .
Example: If, by chance, the newly entered item is identical to one already in the file, DOBIS/LIBIS ignores the new entry. Example: The study revealed that most of the deformities are caused by a fluke. Example: Machiavelli insisted that the Prince be aware that he was Prince mostly by luck and his job was to never admit it. Example: The stream suddenly swept him away, and it was only by a stroke of luck that they found him. Example: Look we can say that they were flukey things but I'm not buying it's all coincidence. Example: The Brazilians scored three jammy goals to take an early lead which never looked secure until they grabbed number 4 10 minutes from time.» por chulear = just for swank .
Example: We kept the old wind-up clock on the living room wall just for swank.» por ciento = per cent [percent] (%) .
Example: It was agreed to withhold supplies from booksellers who offered new books at a discount greater than the 10 per cent usually allowed for cash.» por cientos = by the hundreds .
Example: Around its shrouded summit the regal birds wheeled by the hundreds, their plangent wails and cackles echoing off the black volcanic slopes.» por cierto = coincidentally ; incidentally ; by the way ; anecdotally ; by the by(e) ; speaking of which .
Example: Ironically, the latter proved to be the most vulnerable and acutely criticized of Panizzi's rules, as, coincidentally, are the corresponding AACR rules. Example: Incidentally, this book was about the invasion of Denmark. Example: It is not wise, by the way, to approach the author by telephone for this puts him on the spot and he may refuse simply in self-defense and especially if you happen to butt in when he is struggling with an obstinate chapter in a new book. Example: Anecdotally, it is often assumed that users preferring print are among the most senior in academic rank and/or years. Example: Zenobia, by-the-by, as I suppose you know, is merely her public name. Example: Speaking of which, Chertoff recently lifted restrictions that have confined airline passengers to their seats for a half hour after taking off and before landing.» por circunstancias de la vida = by life circumstances .
Example: Studies show that 50 percent of individual differences in happiness are determined by genes, 10 percent by life circumstances and 40 percent by our intentional activities.» por coincidencia = by coincidence .
Example: It is not clear whether it was purely by coincidence that users who cooperated in the evaluation were sent a maximum of 25-30 documents to evaluate.» por comodidad = for convenience ; for the sake of + convenience .
Example: For convenience, these fields are all displayed together on Figure 178. Example: Although cross-references do not deal with a document directly, they are described here for the sake of convenience.» por completo = fully ; through and through ; in full .
Example: Although this may seem an obvious statement, there are many instances when the searcher is not fully aware of what can or might be retrieved. Example: Drew and Myra both grew up in New York, city kids through and through. Example: Geographical divisions are sometimes given in full in the main schedule, and sometimes elsewhere as tables in classes.» por confirmar = to be announced [TBA] ; to be confirmed [TBC] .
Example: Six contestants submitted entries, to be judged in August and September, with the winner to be announced at the workshop. Example: Venue to be confirmed.» por consideración a = out of respect for ; out of consideration for .
Example: They chose not show the cartoons out of respect for Islam. Example: The date and time were kept secret out of consideration for her parents and grandparents.» por consiguiente = consequently ; then ; thence ; by implication ; therefore .
Example: The headings consequently correspond to current American usage in both use of terms and spelling and often need amendment to make them consistent with local usage. Example: In general then, the analytical approach is to be preferred, but it does have two limitations. Example: It thus becomes necessary to define the boundaries of the library's responsibilities and thence by inference, those of other agencies. Example: Unfortunately, in the field of reference work advocates of such professional independence of judgement must by implication be prepared to countenance differential service to the user. Example: This is particularly convenient therefore for our present purposes.» por contra = in contrast .
Example: In contrast, the choice of a subject heading or notation presents many varied problems of interpretation.» por conveniencia = for convenience ; for the sake of + convenience .
Example: For convenience, these fields are all displayed together on Figure 178. Example: Although cross-references do not deal with a document directly, they are described here for the sake of convenience.» por correo = by post ; mailed .
Example: Requests supplied from further afield are usually sent and returned by post. Example: To answer this question, the writer made a spot check of selected schools in Texas by means of a mailed questionnaire.» por cortesía de = courtesy of .
Example: The aim of this project is to create a network of computer centres, where members of the public are given free access to microcomputers, courtesy of those willing to volunteer their time and equipment.» por cualquier motivo = for whatever reason .
Example: For whatever reason, Shera chose to disparage rather than to take seriously the substance of Briet's ideas.» por cualquier razón = for whatever reason .
Example: For whatever reason, Shera chose to disparage rather than to take seriously the substance of Briet's ideas.» por cuanto que = because .
Example: In practice, many cataloguers favour the direct catalogue partly because it is simpler for the cataloguer to compile.» por cuatro perras = for a pittance .
Example: They trucks had sat gathering dust ever since, but have now been flogged off for a pittance to a second-hand dealer = Desde entonces los camiones han estado allí muertos de risa, pero ahora se han podido deshacer de ellos vendiéndoselos por cuatro perras a un compraventa de artículos de segunda mano.» por cuatro reales = for a pittance .
Example: They trucks had sat gathering dust ever since, but have now been flogged off for a pittance to a second-hand dealer = Desde entonces los camiones han estado allí muertos de risa, pero ahora se han podido deshacer de ellos vendiéndoselos por cuatro perras a un compraventa de artículos de segunda mano.» por cuenta ajena = vicariously .
Example: Biographies enable the reader to look into, and even share vicariously in, the life of an interesting person.» por cuenta de uno = privately .
Example: Pressmen sometimes employed boys privately by the week to take printed sheets off the tympan, and thus speed up their rate of work = Los impresores algunas veces empleaban por su cuenta y por semanas a chicos aprendices para retirar del tímpano los pliegos impresos y así acelerar su ritmo de trabajo.» por cuenta propia = freelance ; self-employed ; at + Posesivo + own expense ; off + Posesivo + own bat .
Example: Volunteer or freelance abstractors may be drawn from the specialists working in academic institutions and trained in abstracting. Example: In the quest for self-employment the author established himself as a self-employed historical researcher specialising in detailed histories of private and business properties. Example: Mr Dong Ming embarked on an eight-day bicycle ride to Beijing at his own expense in order to attend the IFLA Conference. Example: Off her own bat, the woman who hates having her photograph taken and never wears make-up, organised a professional photo shoot of herself.» por cuenta y riesgo de Uno = at + Posesivo + peril .
Example: The Internet is changing the world and those who ignore it, do so at their peril.» por curiosidad = out of curiosity .
Example: Children insert toys, sweets, hairpins, hair grips, safety pins, etc. into the vagina mainly out of curiosity.» por debajo de = below ; beneath ; underneath .
Example: As you read each frame, cover the area below each frame and attempt to supply the missing word. Example: The hierarchical relationships associated with selected index terms may be revealed by displaying related terms beneath such terms in a supplementary list in the thesaurus. Example: Some display racks are designed so that the sloping display shelf lifts up to reveal storage space underneath for back issues.» por debajo de + Cantidad = under + Cantidad ; fewer than + Cantidad [Comparativo de few (poco)] .
Example: The cheapest of these machines costs under $100 and they can be bought in stores, supermarkets and by mail-order. Example: Those eligible normally include only companies with less than 45 million of net fixed assets and fewer than 500 employees.» por debajo de cero = sub-zero ; below-freezing .
Example: The documentary examines the growing number of skinny celebrities and the worrying trend for sub-zero sizes. Example: Sleet may occur when a warm layer of air lies above a below-freezing layer of air at the Earth's surface.» por debajo del 10 por ciento = single digit ; single figure .
Example: The year saw single digit percentage increases over 1996 prices for monographs and double digit increases for serials. Example: In the non-fiction categories only one class, that of 'education', reached double figures, and all others were in single figures, so that it is difficult to say what is really important in people's non-fiction reading.» por debajo de la media = sub-par ; below-average .
Example: With their rudimentary visuals and sub-par writing, the comics of the day were nothing more than gags and cheap laughs. Example: Children who are hyper are not necessarily the most athletic and will probably be average or below-average students.» por debajo de las posibilidades = below + Posesivo + capabilities .
Example: The assistant's position frequently degenerates into a 'catch-all' position, with the assistant ending up with a number of miscellaneous odd-jobs (sometimes 'keep-busy' type jobs, well below his or her capabilities).» por debajo de lo normal = below-normal .
Example: Despite below-normal temperatures, nectarines began budding.» por debajo de lo óptimo = sub-optimal [suboptimal] .
Example: Nor do we have any understanding of what optimal performance might be other than a widespread feeling that none of the current techniques seems able to achieve it alone and that current performance therefore is sub-optimal.» por debajo del peso nomral = underweight .
Example: We predicted that underweight individuals would eat less and overweight individuals would eat more during negative as well as positive emotional states and situations.» por debajo de un millón = six figures .
Example: These solopreneurs have many things in common, most notably, they all show annual profits in the six figures.» por décadas = ten-yearly .
Example: Annual indexes over several years may be cumulated to five-yearly or ten-yearly indexes.» por decidir = to be decided .
Example: operational dates, possible use of existing software and costing are yet to be decided.» por decirlo así = so to speak ; in a manner of speaking .
Example: It has long and effectively been used by many map librarians who felt that in their particular collections of maps the book and the work, so to speak, might be said to coincide, and that the considerations of authorship, editions, translations, and related works were largely negligible. Example: Now, let me express to you, you have, in a manner of speaking, created quite a tangled ball of yarn in this situation.» por decirlo de alguna manera = so to speak ; let me put it this way .
Example: It has long and effectively been used by many map librarians who felt that in their particular collections of maps the book and the work, so to speak, might be said to coincide, and that the considerations of authorship, editions, translations, and related works were largely negligible. Example: Let me put this way: we haven't yet traveled to another parallel universe so until we do that I can't answer this question.» por decirlo de algún modo = in a manner of speaking ; so to speak .
Example: Now, let me express to you, you have, in a manner of speaking, created quite a tangled ball of yarn in this situation. Example: It has long and effectively been used by many map librarians who felt that in their particular collections of maps the book and the work, so to speak, might be said to coincide, and that the considerations of authorship, editions, translations, and related works were largely negligible.» por decirlo de otra manera = to put it another way .
Example: To put it another way, the humanities, although a growing part of the database world, are still a very small part of that world.» por decisión propia = by choice .
Example: While there were certainly people who stayed behind by choice, most stayed behind because they had no choice.» por decreto = by decree .
Example: The Church will be able to defrock priests in such cases by decree.» por decreto real = by royal decree .
Example: The powers of these councils are defined and members appointed by royal decree.» por defecto = by default ; default .
Example: Associated with each vendor in the system is a claim category which is assigned to the order by default, but which may be changed for each order. Example: The default is that a record is deleted when the retention date exceeds the purge date in the record.» por deferencia a = in deference to .
Example: One theory commonly advanced is that it was done in deference to William Henry Fox Talbot.» por definición = by definition .
Example: By definition, these are benefits, often in cash, which the state has decided are required by various needy categories of its citizens.» por delante = ahead .
Example: He glanced casually at the ill-balanced frontages of the buildings ahead that stretched on and on until they melded in an indistinguishable mass of gray at Laurence Street.» por delante de = ahead of .
Example: The capacity of children to comprehend and enjoy language is frequently ahead of their ability to read.» por delante y por detrás = front and back .
Example: For trips out into the countryside, tourists must now go in convoy, with a truckload of soldiers armed with submachine guns front and back.» por delitos relacionados con drogas = on drug charges .
Example: A carload of people including a mother and son were arrested on various drug and alcohol charges.» por delitos relacionados con el alcohol = on alcohol charges .
Example: A carload of people including a mother and son were arrested on various drug and alcohol charges.» por dentro = inwardly ; on the inside .
Example: An inwardly feverish but outwardly calm desperation possessed him. Example: I had to jump-start my car this morning -- it was so cold that the windshield was starting to frost on the inside = Tuve que arrancar mi coche con cables esta mañana; hacía tanto frío que el parabrisas estaba empezando a escarcharse por dentro.» por departamentos = departmentally .
Example: Dealing with overheads departmentally is believed to provide more fair and useful information to decision makers.» por derecho (propio) = as of right ; by right .
Example: In some cases there is an appeal as of right and a slightly different procedure applies. Example: The pension entitlements they have ear