Popurrí in english


pronunciation: poʊpʊri part of speech: noun
In gestures

popurrí = smorgasbord ; potpourri ; mash-up ; mishmash ; ragtag. 

Example: American cuisine is a veritable smorgasbord of international cuisines, thanks to the immigrants who added their traditional foods to the American diet.Example: This center holds one of the most significant collections (dare we call it potpourri?) of science, natural history, art, history, and culture in the world = This center holds one of the most significant collections (dare we call it potpourri?) of science, natural history, art, history, and culture in the world.Example: 'Mash-ups' of data on the web are starting to appear on Australian sites and could provide a new means of online advertising = 'Mash-ups' of data on the web are starting to appear on Australian sites and could provide a new means of online advertising.Example: We follow a mishmash of characters as they move through their unfortunate life without felicity.Example: America spent the best part of a decade building up an Iraqi army that seemingly folded within hours against a ragtag bunch of jihadists.


» hacer un popurrímash up .

Example: The name comes from pop music, where DJs have made a hobby out of mashing up multiple, disparate songs to create new sounds.

» un popurrí dea potpourri ofa welter of .

Example: This chapter has described a pot-pourri of possibilities for searching computer produced catalogues.

Example: Genocide theorists deploy a welter of sociological facts and half-facts to buttress their case.

Popurrí synonyms

variety in spanish: variedad, pronunciation: vɜraɪəti part of speech: noun pastiche in spanish: pastiche, pronunciation: pæstiʃ part of speech: noun motley in spanish: abigarrado, pronunciation: mɑtli part of speech: adjective, noun medley in spanish: popurrí, pronunciation: medli part of speech: noun mixture in spanish: mezcla, pronunciation: mɪkstʃɜr part of speech: noun assortment in spanish: surtido, pronunciation: əsɔrtmənt part of speech: noun miscellany in spanish: miscelánea, pronunciation: mɪsəleɪni part of speech: noun miscellanea in spanish: miscelánea, pronunciation: mɪsəlɑniə part of speech: noun
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